My First Pic Posting
Salutations fellow Dgrinners!
I'm Trevlan, a nooby photographer. I signed up to this forum, after hours of searching, because it seems to be very active. Also, the pure talent on this site is a garantee that I will atleast learn the techniques to shoot well.
I have an entry level DSLR (Nikon D40) with the kit lense (18mm-50mm) and the Zoom Lense (50mm-200mm). I'm very happy with this camera and I feel it will give me a strong foundation for using SLR cameras.
Here are a couple of pics that I took at Rockland state park. the background is a little busy, but I'm very happy with the expressions and depth of field I achieved. C&C welcomed. I need all the help I can get! Thanks!
(Side note: These pictures are 'as shot' I did no post processing to them.)
I'm Trevlan, a nooby photographer. I signed up to this forum, after hours of searching, because it seems to be very active. Also, the pure talent on this site is a garantee that I will atleast learn the techniques to shoot well.
I have an entry level DSLR (Nikon D40) with the kit lense (18mm-50mm) and the Zoom Lense (50mm-200mm). I'm very happy with this camera and I feel it will give me a strong foundation for using SLR cameras.
Here are a couple of pics that I took at Rockland state park. the background is a little busy, but I'm very happy with the expressions and depth of field I achieved. C&C welcomed. I need all the help I can get! Thanks!
(Side note: These pictures are 'as shot' I did no post processing to them.)
Your pics are so huge as posted that it is really hard to get a sense of them. Could you post smaller versions? How To Post on Dgrin
One thing:
I am sure your pictures are wonderful, but I cant see them on my monitor, cause they are too large.
You should probably resize them so we can all enjoy them.
There is so much to learn but just reading and following the forum you'll pick up so much. I've gotten ten times better in a month.
Very cute baby and love the drool
You may want to look into getting a flash unit (there are several areas where you can find information on which to get) to use for fill flash on bright days outdoors.
Another thing I do when shooting outdoors is to shoot with spot metering. For the shots you took the spot metering (metering on the face) could have helped with the face not being so dark.
Welcome and look forward to seeing more shots from you.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
And anwmn1, after you have said what you said. I immediately noticed the dark areas in the face. lol. I love this site!
So you recommend spot mettering when doing close up portraits? I see how it makes sense, the background really doesn't matter because it'll be out of focus anyway.
Thanks for everything guys. I'll resize them and repost!
Nikon Shooter
It's all about the moment...
*Edit* Smugmug is great! Look how easy it was to get them up! Thanks!
Yay! I got them even with the picture info when you click on them. Thanks!
Nikon Shooter
It's all about the moment...
I must say that I like your first two photos. Cute baby with a nice pose. My one suggestion to you is to pay closer attention to your background. The clutter of chairs in the center of these shots ruins these photos. I'd be inclined to try and photoshop them out if you are able.
Most shots need some post production in photoshop. There is no point in posting your shots right out of the camera without some rudimentary photoshop work. You need to learn some of these basic skills and then post your best shots here for all of us to enjoy and critique.
Hope to see more!
Thanks! You guys are all a great help. I'm pretty familiar with Photoshop, there are many things I could have done to improve the photo. I'll do some post processing when I upload my next sets!
I actually have a few nice HDR shots of the metropolitan oval, should I post those under landscapes?
Nikon Shooter
It's all about the moment...