Wowhot's Thread
Dear smug mug
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Why when I want to use the function “apply to all galleries ” for previous settings that I have created it never works.
Prices, setting, colors etc etc
Is there a way to get this function running smoothly
Thanks for all you previous help..!!:barb
My site
Why when I want to use the function “apply to all galleries ” for previous settings that I have created it never works.
Prices, setting, colors etc etc
Is there a way to get this function running smoothly
Thanks for all you previous help..!!:barb
Architectural and Interior Photography
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For example I have a
Dear smug mug
My site
For example I have a automobile folder which I would like to duplicate my settings to future folders even now I have had to reset the setting for the arcutecture gallery manually and still the watermarks are not showing up.
I also have lost my home page button to get me back to my home page..
Hi, I'm one of the SmugMug Support Heroes and I was looking at your account. It appears that you have correctly set up a Quick Setting. So I reapplied it to your Arcutecture gallery and now see that the watermark appears. I viewed your account using IE7 and Firefox and in both cases the watermarking is visible. You may need to clear your cookies to see the changes. To navigate back to your homepage you actually click on "whan photography" link in you breadcrumbs in the upper right hand corner of any gallery screen. You can set up your Portfolio pricing to apply to each new gallery you create, but this is done seperately from the Quick Setting. This link from our help pages explains in more detail: I hope this helps.
when i sell a photo how do i get payed..
thanks for all your help
hay thanks for your help with all this.. im going to follow your steps...
Thank you again for all your time in helping me
Hi there is there a way i can remove the keywords from the bottom of my gallery photos.
thanks for all your help ..
my site is
hello smug mug..
Im new to all this could you tell me if i am able to have a gallery in side a gallery..
Or a topic like Rally and when that is clicked on, with in that my customers can then veiw seprate gallerys of diffrent rally events.
thanks for all your past help
Using your example, you could create a category of Rally. Within that you could have galleries of the different rally events.
Or you could have a category of Rally with subcategories within that, and galleries in the subcategories.
You assign a gallery to a category and optionally to a subcategory on the customize gallery screen.
See this help page -
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Yes, you can
#photoKeywords {display: none;}
Smug since 2006
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Smug since 2006
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--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
#photoKeywords {display: none;}
btw, you need to clean up your CSS. Remove these
<script id="siteSeal" type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<body bgcolor="#000000">
<body bgcolor="rgb(0,0,0)">
<body bgcolor="black">
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even thought i opened my pro account with whanphotography.. and later i decided to give it the url of
what will be the related search tital to my page??
thanks for all your past help
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no its telling me that some body is using that name?
what should i do
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
no is my name so i thought it would quite happly accept it..
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
this is really great news,
I registerd my site for verifaction through godaddy and thay told me to put that scrit in my page but i dont know what it is.
did i do something wrong becouse nothing showed up..
thank you for looking through my css if there is anything eles in there thats looking odd please let me know...
thnaks ed
are sorry for the miss understanding, but i am still having great problems, would it actuly work in my favour, ie: some body types in whanphotography and gets linked to my site whanphoto or is all that only related to the Keywords of the site.
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
Hi there again
I think I have missed some thing
I have followed the instructions but every gallery that is meant to be hidden inside a cat orgy or subcategory is showing..
I really wanted all the galleries relating to that subject to hidden behind one showing title.
Can you point me in the right direction
Thanks ed
You actually have two ways to get to your site. You registered your name and tied it to your smugmug account.
You can also get to your site with your "smugmug" name, which currently appears to be
Both URLs work, and both will continue to work.
The URL also exists. Is this yours too? (It has an auto gallery and a travel gallery.) If this site belongs to you too, then I'm sure someone at smug (Nick?) can help you resolve the existence of two different smugmug URLs. But if this isn't your site I don't think there is anything you can do about it.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
hay thanks now thats clear ,i totall understande .. thanks for understanding me..
I very new at all this!.
great advise you guys have given me today really help full
See if this page helps explain it -
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
hay perfect thanks so much im really happy now ..
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
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hi there
Cab you help me i still have keywords under my photos even arfter all the adjustment!
is there some thing i have done wrong
my site is
thanks for all your help yesterday