Will people steal my images?
I have a blog with blogger, and I just posted a blog with a couple pics. They have watermarks at the bottom, and they are small. But blogger allows you to click on the image and open a window where you can save it. At that small should I be worried? Should I just link the pictures? I just think it would look better if I actually had pictures on there...
Let me know what you think, and look at my blog to see what I mean. Thanks
Let me know what you think, and look at my blog to see what I mean. Thanks

graphic designer/photographer
I'd actually recommend using a larger size there. The small size you are using doesn't showcase your work. A larger size would give you a better presence but still wouldn't give someone a good quality photo for a printed image. It's your decision of course...
I actually started using custom sizes in my blog because I wanted to use a size larger than medium - and if I remember correcly large was too big for the space in my blog. If you're interested in custom sizes, see http://www.smugmug.com/help/custom-photo-sizes.
What I did to get more comfortable with exposing my photos this way was to do a right click save of a photo from my blog. Then I compared the size with the original - and the saved (stolen) image was really small.
Oh - and another thing. Instead of inserting the image with blogger's toolbar icons, I use html to display the photo and to set it up so that if someone clicks on the photo they are taken directly to my gallery.
In case you don't know html, here's a sample:
<center><a href="http://www.denisegoldberg.com/gallery/5231614_wtt6M/1/322285520_g4uRP"><img src="http://www.denisegoldberg.com/photos/322285520_g4uRP-450x450.jpg"></a></center>
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
So if one changes all the address to their own this string of code should work for anyone??
It's a combination of two pieces of html. The <a href= statement indicates the page the viewer should be taken to if he or she clicks on the image shown with the <img src= statement.
If you're posting the image outside of smug, you'll need to use your full URL (like I did in my previous post). If you're posting inside of smug - like in an html-only gallery - you don't need the (equivalent of) http://www.denisegoldberg.com. So if I was posting inside of my smug site, I could use this html instead:
<center><a href="/gallery/5231614_wtt6M/1/322285520_g4uRP"><img src="/photos/322285520_g4uRP-450x450.jpg"></a></center>
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
So, for that html code I would just put the direct link to my image in the top part, then the link to whatever gallery I wanted in the second? And then do I just copy paste that code into the main text of my blog? Thanks. And sorry for the stupid html questions, im learning
I have that turned off for viewers, but turned on when I'm logged in.
From the share page I use the Gallery link for the <a href= statement, and one of the direct photo links for the <img src= statement. I then change the size on the photo link to a custom size.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
This is slightly unrelated, but just looking at a gallery in visitor view (to see if there was a share button, which there isnt) I noticed there was a "save file" button. Is there a way to turn that off? I dont know that I like that. Thanks!
The save photo button will still be there for you as the owner when you are logged in - but it will be shown as "owner save".
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
I have my largest size set to X3Large. You'll need to decide what size you're comfortable with. I've done right-click saves of an X3Large just to see how big it is, and the file is still small - especially when you compare it with the original. And I wanted to give my viewers a good image when they wander through my galleries.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
How ironic is it that I was worried about people stealing my images? Uugh, now im really paranoid
Do you think people saved my stuff?
Almost certainly not. Much as pros are worried about it, I think that the "stealing" of images by people who would otherwise have bought an image is fairly minimal. And, if you watermark the images, then those people who do act immorally will be giving you some free advertising!