Pre-Yosemite: SF Wed/Thu

I decided to bite the bullet, take the whole first week of May off and instead of having a red-eye drive to park early Friday morning take a lazy ride up PCH (Hwy 1, going by the coast!) though the Big Sur and other nice places.:clap
My target is to get to Bay Area/SF some time Wednesday to have a chance to meet all the crowd who comes in early (or lucky enough to live in that area).
My current hope is to keep Wednesday night + whole Thursday open for meetn'-n-shootn'.:):
So if there is already any meet plannning in progress and the existing crowd does not mind another smugmuger, I'd like to jump on the wagon.
Otherwise we can organize a new one within this thread. I remember reading some posts about thursday dinner, but didn't see the final schedule..:dunno
I've been to SF a few times, so in the worst case scenario I can even be a decent guide for some out-of-town folks (Hey Michiele:-). However if the *real* guide is present, I'd gladly follow:-)
I'm open for any suggestions:-):thumb
My target is to get to Bay Area/SF some time Wednesday to have a chance to meet all the crowd who comes in early (or lucky enough to live in that area).
My current hope is to keep Wednesday night + whole Thursday open for meetn'-n-shootn'.:):
So if there is already any meet plannning in progress and the existing crowd does not mind another smugmuger, I'd like to jump on the wagon.
Otherwise we can organize a new one within this thread. I remember reading some posts about thursday dinner, but didn't see the final schedule..:dunno
I've been to SF a few times, so in the worst case scenario I can even be a decent guide for some out-of-town folks (Hey Michiele:-). However if the *real* guide is present, I'd gladly follow:-)
I'm open for any suggestions:-):thumb
"May the f/stop be with you!"
I'm planning to spend two nights in general SF area (or, shall I say, Bay Area south of SF), Wed and Thu, with the intent to start very early Friday morning (or very late Thursday night) and get to Yosemite as early as possible.
Is there a place where a lot/some of the out-of-town smugmuggers gonna hang out?
I will also be able to give somebody a (free) ride to the park (actually, I can take up to 3 ppl with me).
Any advise is heartly appreciated. Exact location does not matter, as long as it would allow me get to SF within an 60/90 minutes. I'd rather prefer to be in a good company 50 miles away that staying on the Union Square all by me lonesome..
But I'm not sure what my plans are.
We plan to leave early, like pre dawn on Friday, but until then I'll be in town!
I can suggest some neat places on the coast to visit if you don't want to do city stuff.
Except for Golden Gate Park and Crissy Field, we don't do much San Francisco stuff, and we're on a tight budget right now so a nice dinner is out, fast food 99 cent menu is in
But if no one chimes in maybe we could meet up if you want some company. I thought Gus was going to meet up with some people and I believe Steve will be in the area, as is Ian. They are more South bay, I'm on the Peninsula, south of Daly City on the coast.
I like to bring people to the Montara Lighthouse Hostel, which is only open in the morning and late afternoon to visitors, but it's very pretty, nice trees, surf, rocks, lighthouse, houses, etc. and it's free...
We have an alpaca farm nearby, with a long lens you can shoot them from the fence.
A local park has hiking and supposedly a waterfall (small parking fee)
Half Moon Bay has some old buildings, the Johnson House (salt box architecture) and lots of ocean front parks.
The cliff house is recently opened with it's new buildings.
The windmill has pretty flowers this time of year in Golden Gate Park,
Stow lake has lots of ducks, gulls and some turtles, you can rent a boat and row around, or rent a paddle boat
It's expensive to park in the city so we usually avoid it...
The Presidio has free parking and lots of photo opps...
But like you, I thought a bunch of guys were planning something in the city...
Thank you for time and your great answer!
Much obliged!
Thanks for your reply. I guess I'll see you in on the shooting range then
On what day and what hotel?
10:30 pm may be a bit late for shooting pikchas (not too late for other "shhoting":-) although we can always get to Presidio and GGB, they have their own light sources..
It's starting to look like we actually may pull this off
Hilton San Francisco/ Fisherman's Wharf
2620 Jones Street
San Francisco, California 94133
We will also be staying over sunday night
Holiday Inn Golden Gateway - San Francisco
1500 Van Ness Ave.
San Francisco, California 9410
In any case, we are back to bein on foot in SF.
2 midwestern guys hitchin a ride... Yosemite or bust....
Wow, Hiltion, FW.. Nice place, close to everything!
I'm not sure if I manage to stay there, but I'll definitely come there for a
Too bad it's Thursday night, and we need to start early Friday for the main event.. But otherwsie - looking good!
If I happen to be close enough to you guys... I'm driving my Murano. And so far I'm alone. So... :-)
The only potential problem is that I can't ride you back to SF, my home is way south and it's ~6 hours drive even going direct..
I guess I need to start more precise planning, so I can say for sure..
So far I counted 3...
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
That would be great!
And I'm going straight home to LA, some time Sunday morning, which *is* 6 hour drive:-(
I'm trying to arrange flying in on Wednesday.
But I'll only do that if I can catch a 1:50pm flight on Sunday, and get home at a reasonable time so that I can work on Monday. So I'm trying to scare up a Sunday ride in time to catch that flight.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
I think Nik drives even faster than I do :yikes From the South Entrance (which is closest to the Wawona) it may take 4 hours, or longer, to get to the SF Airport (Sunday afternoon traffic on I-80/101 sux and the Airport is 15-20 minutes outside The City). You might be able to cut almost an hour off if you leave from the North Entrance, or if you route your return through San Jose. So you may have to leave by 8am to get to SFO by 12:30, or so
I may be judging this too conservatively, but I'm close
Now, about that ride up from SF on Friday morning....
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
I would not bet on that:-). I never drove there directly from SF, only from Sacramento, which is *approximately* same distance as SF. And it's definitely North entrance:-). So your speed record is safe:-)
I am not clear as to who is arriving from where and when, ect, but I can take one person comfortably ( 2nd person would be ok, but cramped a little) on Thursday or Friday. If your in need contact me.
Michiel de Brieder
Remember to bring a big bit of cardboard for a sign....'2 lost idiots...will do private seedy hotel photography'
don't forget MARKER / CARDBOARD / 50mm F/1.4 for seedy hotel shots
Second note to self: don't forget to be an idiot.. I'm such an idiot that I keep forgetting those things :lol
Michiel de Brieder
Erm, mate, if we have a choice, I think that you should have the anal probe, I'll take the antenna on my head :lol
Michiel de Brieder
I added a sticky thread for transportation. If you're flying, take a moment to
add your Arrival/Departure information.
Maybe we can get groups of people going to the airport at the same time.
So erm Sam, you want seedy private hotel shots for this???
Michiel de Brieder