Picture Number / Thumb-Number???
Is it possible to get a numbering to show up beneath a thumbnail... something like a sequence (0001 - 00199 for example)...??
That helps if I talk to someone over the phone or e-mail and ask that person to look at a specific photo.
I use smugmug for my business purposes and use it to display my custom made products.... thus some sort of reference or serial number would be a big help...
preferably I'd like to have a tiny number show up beneath each thumbnail within a gallery starting at one...
is there any such solution?
thank you
Is it possible to get a numbering to show up beneath a thumbnail... something like a sequence (0001 - 00199 for example)...??
That helps if I talk to someone over the phone or e-mail and ask that person to look at a specific photo.
I use smugmug for my business purposes and use it to display my custom made products.... thus some sort of reference or serial number would be a big help...
preferably I'd like to have a tiny number show up beneath each thumbnail within a gallery starting at one...
is there any such solution?
thank you
Daniel Gentile Photography:www.dgentile.net
you hide the photo nav?
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Or display your filenames as captions underneath the photos?
Support Hero
If you want to do that, show captions AND file names both, add the following to your CSS in your customization:
#fileNameBoxWrapper {display: block;}
Smug since 2006
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however none of this serves the purpose I had in mind...
ever talked to a customer on the phone or by e-mail and wanting to point out a few images... for example what I sometimes have is like... the customer asks me something and I say... look at this gallery... and then the fifth, 16th and 24th photo...
but that requires counting things off...,..
I can't say "Page 4" because depending on his broweser window width and height the number of visible thumbs per page is maybe different...
the easiest thing would be a tiny, simple number (0001 - 0002 - ... - XXXX) under each thumb... it could be tiny (formating done by CSS...)...
that would be amazing.
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