An evening at the RC airfield

My friend has this hobby of radio controlled things..In this case it was ariplanes. So i joind him this superb evening at the field to take som photos for their website. Kinda hard without that 70-200 wich i never got 
Anyways here they are... Plz C&C









i like this shoot...

Anyways here they are... Plz C&C









i like this shoot...

The first is ok, I like the smoke ring, but the backround would look better it was softer. The second is good, if you boost the shadows. You have #5 spot on, great shot!
I like the selective color too, striking!
RC's can be a lot of fun. I haven't started that hobby because I know from my friends how much it can end up costing. And I wouldn't be happy until I had an airship
Was there any other activity where you were? The last time we were out we ended up helping start a real airplane! Story here.
"Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons."
----Ruth Ann Schubacker
I like 3 & 6 for club info pictures or backgrounds.
RC stuff is fun to watch!
Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1)
Long-time amateur.....wishing for more time to play
Autocross and Track junkie
#2--I love the composition, but it's dark. I think it would look great as B&W.
#3--Water spots on the lens. If you raised the camera another 15 degrees or so, I think it would be perfect!
#4,5--Beautiful. 5 is absolutely great.
#6--Meh, don't like it.
#7--I'm a sucker for layered shots like that. Especially with the red.
#8--I don't like the path of the shadow. I like seeing the sun behind the shooter.
#9--I really like this one. Took me a moment to realized that the 'copter was inverted.
Was the event as loud and noisy as I imagine it being?
Brad -- Hand made pens by yours truly
I'm a fan of selective colouring. I can't help myself.
Nope nothing with the wings
Im only happy with nr 5 and 9 I was just slacking arround and did not put any effort into it. Will do it again and do it better next time
And no it was not that noisy.. Just the helli and nr 5 who was powerd by nitro engines..The others are electric..Which actually is better now these days. Think it is the combination of brushless engines and Lipo polymer batteries..uuuursomething.
And i sort of like the selective one.. Will get a better tho.
Thanx for lookin
Numbers 1, 5, and 7 and my favorites. Great vapture of the smoke ring in number one. NUmber five is just good; nice color, focus and everything. Seven is yet another selective coloring that really works for me. Nice, sharp pictues all around. Good job!
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