37 - pens...window grate... neither?

I took these today... thoughts? Too simple? Not enough repetition? I don't often due random challenges but they seem pretty fun, and they give me something to keep busy with so I figured I'd try...

Grate Gazing

Grate Gazing

What I could really use is advice on how to improve.
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See what you can do with that.
I actually like the screen shot. Stare at it and things start moving.
"Tis better keep your mouth shut and be thought of as an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
Don't discount your amateur status - I think you have a good eye!
The screen could be really cool if you could see some repeating pattern thru the screen, blurred in the background. I can see those windows, but something bolder that draws you through the screen?
On the pens, it might have more impact to get a big ol' pile of them; like 20 or 30 (Target, etc, will love me for suggesting people play with their pen displays). Maybe play with the angle of the shot, too? Take it from the bottom row looking up, or on the diagonal. And maybe against a solid color background?
Just a couple thoughts. Looking forward to more posts from you.
Also, DoctorIt - what's up with that avatar.
"Tis better keep your mouth shut and be thought of as an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
2. it's me. I have my finger in my nose. it's funny... that and one of my best friends took the photo on a good day.
Good starts! (Further than I've gotten...) Keep looking for patterns..they're everywhere...
good luck!!!
:dunno not a clue...does it show?
So much for my deductive reasoning.:D
Thanks for the book tip.
"Tis better keep your mouth shut and be thought of as an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
EDIT: And yeah, it was bugging my fiance out majorly tonight as he looked at it and just didn't realize what it was... I gave him the clue of "all of the pictures I've taken for this set were taken from inside of my room..." but I still had to actually tell him what it was before he realized it was Lankenau Hall.
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