Nite Kites
Not sure whether you called this sport, maybe hobby more approriate. These are kites operate by batteries with LED lights fixed on it which gives out unpredictable streaks of lights trails which attrach scores of tourists every night. Still trying to capture the ever elusive perfect shot and you can never want to stop going there again.
My gallery:
These kites were first designed and made in Singapore. Heard there were clones but not successful.
I had to go to your gallery to find out more, because that thing seems to be flying patterns a kite shouldn't be capable of (with the lines and all).
It's a cross between an RC-airplane and a kite, isn't it? No lines, but a prop and electric drive.
They called the brand as "Nite Kite". You're right. It has a front propeller and fly by remote. Battery is small to lighten weight and last only 20 mins. These guys brough about 10 batteries with them for a night of fun.
Want one!
I would like to try my hand at flying and shooting those!
Great work
Digital Illusions Photography & Design
1764 Shawna Ct, Klamath Falls OR, 97603
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"The Race is long but in the end it is only with yourself" ~Unknown
You can get lights that fit on kites, they are small magnetic led about 10mm round, you just place one half on side of the kite and the other half on the other side and the magnetic bit fixes to the kite.
Hi Mr peas,
My gallery has a close-up shots. Its not easy to build one yourself. The proprietor took almost 3 years research and some fund granted by some venture capitalists and many trials to reach the commecial stage.
those'd be a lot of fun up here in AK... though I would imagine they wouldn't work too well in the cold
wow great shots! I have never seen anything like this before either! The first one is particularly interesting