Sharegroup with unlisted galleries seen on Vistor View

Scott98Scott98 Registered Users Posts: 21 Big grins
edited July 12, 2008 in SmugMug Support
Hey there. New To SmugMug and have a silly question:

I have 3 unlisted galleries that I want to place into a sharegroup to share with freinds and family. When I do so it basically makes them "unlisted" as the sharegroup and galleries are then shown on my visitor view homepage.

How can I get around this so I can show the various galleries of the boys to freinds and family without everyone having access to them?

What am I doing wrong?




  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited July 12, 2008
    You are not doing anything wrong. Sharegroups on your homepage are only visible to you, or to your visitors AFTER they visit the sharegroup for the first time.

    The sharegroups functon puts a cookie in your web browser that allows them to be visible. No cookie, the visitor does not see them.
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • Scott98Scott98 Registered Users Posts: 21 Big grins
    edited July 12, 2008
    docwalker wrote:
    You are not doing anything wrong. Sharegroups on your homepage are only visible to you, or to your visitors AFTER they visit the sharegroup for the first time.

    The sharegroups functon puts a cookie in your web browser that allows them to be visible. No cookie, the visitor does not see them.

    That's really great. Works perfectly. Love the fact they use cookies so grandma doesn't have to keep track of that url!!!

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