It is slightly tilted to the left
The cross is very centrally composed
The people with blue and orange bags are distracting
On the good-
The sky is just fantastic
I would have shot this almost laying down in the grass or whatever you were standing on and shoot up towards the cross to emphasis the cross and the sky.
For this as is.
Straighten the horizon line
Try a black and white of this shot
Try and crop up to the bottom of the actual cross.
Just one guys opinions though.
"The Journey of life is as much in oneself as the roads one travels"
Love the color of the sky especially. Can't critique the photo otherwise, as I would have probably taken at least one shot like this one myself.
Where in the SV was this taken?
Took a quick peek at your website ... looks like you were there in April. Hoping to go April 2009. Do you have a trip report posted somewhere? Would love to read about your trip.
Peru - Sacred Valley
Thank you for all of the comments. I agree, I need to work on getting the horizon level on my photos. I don't know a way of adjusting it using Canon DPP. Any suggestions? The cross itself was bending out to the right at the mid-point which made it challenging.
The town is called Chincheros and it's on the way from Cusco to Ollentaytambo. Worth a stop for an hour or two. Sorry I don't have a travelogue but am happy to answer any questions.
Okay, on to the photos. I cropped a little and have one in B/W. Thoughts....
The cross is very centrally composed
The people with blue and orange bags are distracting
On the good-
The sky is just fantastic
I would have shot this almost laying down in the grass or whatever you were standing on and shoot up towards the cross to emphasis the cross and the sky.
For this as is.
Straighten the horizon line
Try a black and white of this shot
Try and crop up to the bottom of the actual cross.
Just one guys opinions though.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Sky and the bg are just perfect.
Where in the SV was this taken?
Took a quick peek at your website ... looks like you were there in April. Hoping to go April 2009. Do you have a trip report posted somewhere? Would love to read about your trip.
will love to see BW !!
My Gallery
Thank you for all of the comments. I agree, I need to work on getting the horizon level on my photos. I don't know a way of adjusting it using Canon DPP. Any suggestions? The cross itself was bending out to the right at the mid-point which made it challenging.
The town is called Chincheros and it's on the way from Cusco to Ollentaytambo. Worth a stop for an hour or two. Sorry I don't have a travelogue but am happy to answer any questions.
Okay, on to the photos. I cropped a little and have one in B/W. Thoughts....
is that a skull and cross bones inscribed at the bottom?