Boston Marathon winners

This is Catherine Ndereba of Kenya in the middle of "Heartbreak Hill" in Newton, about 7 miles from the finish of today's Boston Marathon. Her win today is her fourth victory in this race.

The second place woman was an Ethiopian,Alemu Elfenesh who finished just a little under 2 minutes back. When she passed me she was in the lead by maybe 20 seconds.

The top men were all together when they passed me.

The eventual winner was Hailu Negussie of Ethiopia, wearing bib number 7. To his left are Timothy Cherigat who finished sixth, down almost 3 minutes and Benson Cherono who finished third down about a minute.
If not now, when?
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It takes a certain amount of masochism to shoot these races. Lots of people are doing it and you really only get a few seconds to shoot the leaders and there are always issues with people getting in your way at that moment. The professional press has a huge advantage here because some of them get to ride in the car just ahead of the leaders.
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ginger (with the stinkin birds)
TML Photography
Thanks. I felt good about this. Last year I went and waited for hours and didn't get a passable shot of any of the leaders. This year, I got there about 15 minutes before the leaders came through and actually got the shots. I suppose I could have driven around a lot and gotten more than one opportunity to shoot them. But as it was I just had a few seconds to shoot each group. Maybe next year I'll try to use my bicycle to shoot more than once. But these people are running quite fast, so that would take some sweat on my part. And I think the wheelchairs are going almost 20mph, which is probably too fast for even a very good cyclist to get more than a few shoting opportunities.
It was too bad you didn't get any of the wheelchair competitors. I believe a lady from Palo Alto won again this year
Anyhow, good work and thanks for sharing these,
finished better than halfway through her run. Goes to show how good
they really are.
Nice work!
I did get some, but none of the elites. These have had no post, they are just straight out of the camera jpegs. The light was pretty harsh, so they would clearly benefit from the usual shadow/highlight and/or curves treatment.
The Boston Marathon now has a staggered start. First the elite wheelchairs, then the elite women, then the elite men, then everyone else. The idea is to keep the hoi poli out of the elite's hair and to separate them from each other.
As it happens some of the non-elite wheelchairs are so fast that they catch and pass the elite women. So that's what I think these people are: the fastest of the slow. They were passing in dribs and drabs the whole time I was there.
The WC shots are really nice. As you wrote, a few might benefit from some post processing cuz of the mixed lighting. But, for right out of the camera shots, these are super
Love #3.
Very nice