My New Blog about Germany

After acquainting my friends with the massive level of bizarreness I have been encountering, they suggested that I write a blog about it, knowing that my vastly overinflated ego leads me to believe that there couldn't possibly be anyone who wouldn't be fascinated by my life.
So far it's just got a general intro to what the blog is about, but
upcoming chapters will answer the burning questions you have always had about Germany, like:
-What is that stanky plastic "Biotonne" bin for?
-How come I am in Germany and all my neighbors are Turks?
-Why are these people naked all the time?
-Why do German apartment have no light fixtures?
-Why is it considered appropriate to tell new acquaintances all about your Urinary tract infection?
Here is the link!
So far it's just got a general intro to what the blog is about, but
upcoming chapters will answer the burning questions you have always had about Germany, like:
-What is that stanky plastic "Biotonne" bin for?
-How come I am in Germany and all my neighbors are Turks?
-Why are these people naked all the time?
-Why do German apartment have no light fixtures?
-Why is it considered appropriate to tell new acquaintances all about your Urinary tract infection?
Here is the link!
Cave ab homine unius libri
Lots of Turks around huumm ?:D:D
How is the hot Latina ? Is she OK ?
Hey Nik and Antonio, now that I have 50% more space, I await visitors. There's a lot of cool stuff to shoot around here.
So far I ahve a few articles planned for the blog. I need to work them up nice though. the next one might come out tomorrow, or in a few days.
One will deal with the trash situation. Which sounds boring, but trust me, its superweird. Trash is a weighty and angstridden problem here. Recycling is super complex and involves all sorts of deep metaphysical questions about the nature of material substances.
The other will deal with the unexpected co-ed naked shower that I took with Ms. Justi's work colleagues. That'll be a good one.
Then there is the propensity towards giving intimate medical/sexual details of your life to people that you have just met. Low context cultures vs. high context cultures.
Turks, obviously.
Oh yeah, I had to help a 90 year old stranger down the street who had fallen out of bed. His 85 year old wife dragged me in off the street.
The body hair article will not be as frutiful as I had thought, since my last trip to Germany I guess the mass viewing of Sex and the City has glammed it up a bit. That's alright, it was a cheap laugh anyway.
And I've only been there two weeks. Man this is going to be tough.
that reminds me my first few months (if not years) in US.
The was no bloggin' at the time, but I remember my own letters home...
Cultural Shock is a rather accurate term I say:-)
Tell on!
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