Found: 80-200 f2.8 L AF/MF switch

So, I bought a used "magic drainpipe" and it's missing the AF/MF switch. If anyone has a broken 80-200 f/2.8 L they'd be willing to sell the switch from or loan it so I can make a mold off it, I'd appriciate. Honestly, I'm kind of strapped for cash at the moment since I just bought a body and several lenses, so a loan would be great.
I have mold making & casting experience. The process doesn't harm the original part. If I had one for a reference I could probably machine a replacement part for my lens.
If no one has one, maybe someone could point me to an exploded view of this lens or photos of the AF/MF switch?
I have mold making & casting experience. The process doesn't harm the original part. If I had one for a reference I could probably machine a replacement part for my lens.
If no one has one, maybe someone could point me to an exploded view of this lens or photos of the AF/MF switch?

1. How much does Canon charge for the part? Or is it an "assembly"? If you get to the right person in Service, they may be willing to fax/PDF you the parts diagram.
2. Did the seller disclose that the switch was missing?
3. If it's locked in AF, can you live with it for a while that way? Or do you prefer to focus manually?
Best of luck with it!/ScottGee1
Mold making is part of yet another expensive hobby and I'm a machinist, so if I had one to measure, I could make my own replacement part and have it installed at the local repair center.
Thanks to acs55812 I now have a switch on it's way
I can't say it enough: THANK YOU