photoshop files for smugmug
when submitting photos to smugmug what is the best file size and format to use? i shot my pictures in both jpeg and raw with my 30d.also, i made a panorama photo out of 4 photos .when i went to view it in the photoshop catelog there was a message "file size too large to open".the photos were shot in raw?do i need to change the file format?any suggestions would help,thanks john
See for help with the file sizes.
I'm not sure what you're asking with the file too large to open in photoshop since that doesn't sound like it's related to smugmug.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Essentially: Save as JPG, level 10, in photoshop and you'll be fine
Use sRGB.
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hi denise:i learned alittle about resolution from reading the link you presented.i still don't know how to change my raw pictures to jpeg.any advise would be welcome.thanks john.
i checked the file format on some of my pictures and most of them were jpeg2000.... a few were jpeg(jpl.jpeg,jpc....etc),ifound this thru "save as" under the editor.the pictures were taken in i ready to submit the pictures to smugmug? thanks
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i have a picture that is 210 mb and 13,727x3,605.photoshop elements6 will not open it.'file size too large".it is a panorama.the picture is presented in the editor with an irregular border.any suggestions?