smugmug is SLOWWwwwww....
So slow I can not even get into some of my larger galleries.
My clients have been complaining and I am honestly thinking of switching to a new website because of the bandwidth.
Is there anything I can do? I love smugmug! :scratch
My clients have been complaining and I am honestly thinking of switching to a new website because of the bandwidth.
Is there anything I can do? I love smugmug! :scratch
Mac User
Mac User
cable modem. Slow with safari and FF
Mac User
Check out at your end !
Btw i am experiencing slow speed of web browsing these days. All websites are showing weird behavior, one website is stuck and other on other window is fast and it goes on like that i checked on Safari and FF while there are no issues with MSN etc. I think virus has messed my life again anyway i am thinking to reinstall both browsers
My Gallery
My Gallery