Arrange gallery not working
Ref this gallery :-
I've tried on numerous occasions over several days to re-arrange this gallery, no matter what I do it doesn't stick. Is it because there are videos in the gallery ?
I've tried on numerous occasions over several days to re-arrange this gallery, no matter what I do it doesn't stick. Is it because there are videos in the gallery ?
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I thought maybe the movies were a problem so I've moved them but I still can't get changes to stick - Follow me on G+
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Hi Caroline,
Do you have your gallery sort order set to descending and autosort set to none in your customize gallery settings?
This is broke and will keep rearranging your pictures for you. It's very frustrating and has been going on for a long time.
Yes, thats how I had the gallery settings, changing to ascending seems to have fixed it. Thanks for your input, I'll try and remeber for the future :-)
As you say, VERY frustrating.
Caroline - Follow me on G+
Yes, VERY frustrating.
All I want to do is arrange my pictures manually but have the newly posted pictures start at the top. Because "descending with autosort off" doesn't work, I have to use "ascending with autosort off". This puts the picture at the bottom of the gallery so I have to use "arrange photos" which takes forever to load because it has to load the hundreds of thumbnails in the gallery before I can use it.
So, I've made sure that this problem has been brought before the sorcerers. We hear you that this is a pain. And we're sorry about that. We'll get it fixed as soon as we can.
Thanks very much!
Two months have gone by and still no fix as promised!