Google Map not properly updating
My google map for some reason is not properly updating. I have created the map and pages and have gotten everything to display perfectly. The only issue now is that it seems that Google map only recognizes and displays one picture from each gallery. When I hit the "Map this" button over the gallery itself it maps fine showing all of the pictures in the gallery. But when I go to my actual map page it only displays the first picture from each gallery I have added in the geodata for. Any ideas on what could be causing this hangup? I'd appreciate any guidance.
Thank you A.K.A
My google map for some reason is not properly updating. I have created the map and pages and have gotten everything to display perfectly. The only issue now is that it seems that Google map only recognizes and displays one picture from each gallery. When I hit the "Map this" button over the gallery itself it maps fine showing all of the pictures in the gallery. But when I go to my actual map page it only displays the first picture from each gallery I have added in the geodata for. Any ideas on what could be causing this hangup? I'd appreciate any guidance.
Thank you A.K.A
On my home page when I am logged in I see all my photos on the map. When I log out and view the site as a visitor, I see only 4 pictures from one of my galleries. I've checked all my settings and they look fine.
My site is exactly the same - and also when you search on smugmug goggle maps none of my pictures show up despie having a pro account and public visibility activated...
Screens Shots:
1st one is of google maps on my frontpage
Second is of "map this" clearly showing more - but max 150 shots not all my pictures
this then show a zoom in of the paris area - and as you can see lots of links but these don't appear on the previous map, and if you search for paris on smugmug none of them come up....
Why aren't my links appearing?
Why do only 150 pictures show up when I "map this"?
And why do none of my pictures show up in smugmug searches??
is is a bug?? - or more likely something I am doing wrong - if so please advise on solutions????
Many thanks in advance.
Smugmug support came to my rescue (with a very speedy response - seriously impressed!)
150 pics is set for frontpage only - in other galleries it can be more - but in the map searches its also limited hence my pics not showing.
I would guess the reason why I don't get 150 links on my frontpage is the slow update time of smugmug (see other discussion on thumbnails!)
Thanks +++ smugmug support.