
HylanderHylander Registered Users Posts: 73 Big grins
edited August 31, 2008 in SmugMug Support
As I'm on about day 8 or 9 of my free 14-day Pro trial, I have a couple of questions I can't quite seem to find the answer to.

1) Can an image be placed in multiple galleries? For example, I shoot vintage auto races and I divide my images up by car makes and events. Could I possibly put an image in both the Ferrari gallery and 2006 SoAndSo event? Do I do it manually when I upload to that gallery or is there a way to tag images to show up with keywords or tags?

2) When selling images, can you sell your images printed on other media like mousepads and all the other producs that SmugMug offers? I currently manually process everything through MPIX (Who have been great) but an automated hands off system would be wonderful.

3) When using a custom domain name - does SmugMug work with the MX records so that we can use our domain as an email address?

Thanks in advance!


  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited July 16, 2008
    Hylander wrote:
    1) Can an image be placed in multiple galleries? For example, I shoot vintage auto races and I divide my images up by car makes and events. Could I possibly put an image in both the Ferrari gallery and 2006 SoAndSo event? Do I do it manually when I upload to that gallery or is there a way to tag images to show up with keywords or tags?

    2) When selling images, can you sell your images printed on other media like mousepads and all the other producs that SmugMug offers? I currently manually process everything through MPIX (Who have been great) but an automated hands off system would be wonderful.

    3) When using a custom domain name - does SmugMug work with the MX records so that we can use our domain as an email address?
    An image can be in only one gallery. So if you want the same image in multiple galleries you will need to upload it multiple times. But - you can tag your images with keywords and then retrieve the images based on those keywords (as opposed to looking at the images within galleries). If you want to see an example of keyword use, you can look at the Find page on my site. Choose a keyword, and in most cases you will see photos that cross gallery boundaries.

    You can sell anything in SmugMug's catalog through your galleries. If there is something you don't want to sell, just set the price to 0. Items that you can sell are shown on this page -

    From a technical standpoint, I can't answer your question. But in reality.... It's likely that wherever you registered your domain also provides you with an email address. SmugMug has nothing to do with that email address. But yes, you can have an email address that shares a name with your domain.

    --- Denise
  • HylanderHylander Registered Users Posts: 73 Big grins
    edited July 16, 2008
    Thanks for the info Denise... it's much appreciated!

    An image can be in only one gallery. So if you want the same image in multiple galleries you will need to upload it multiple times. But - you can tag your images with keywords and then retrieve the images based on those keywords (as opposed to looking at the images within galleries). If you want to see an example of keyword use, you can look at the Find page on my site. Choose a keyword, and in most cases you will see photos that cross gallery boundaries.

    You can sell anything in SmugMug's catalog through your galleries. If there is something you don't want to sell, just set the price to 0. Items that you can sell are shown on this page -

    From a technical standpoint, I can't answer your question. But in reality.... It's likely that wherever you registered your domain also provides you with an email address. SmugMug has nothing to do with that email address. But yes, you can have an email address that shares a name with your domain.

    --- Denise
  • PBolchoverPBolchover Registered Users Posts: 909 Major grins
    edited July 16, 2008
    While you can't have the same image in multiple galleries, you can simulate something similar by using keywords for thematic "galleries"
  • HylanderHylander Registered Users Posts: 73 Big grins
    edited July 17, 2008
    PBolchover wrote:
    While you can't have the same image in multiple galleries, you can simulate something similar by using keywords for thematic "galleries"

    Could you please explain a little how this might work?
  • kygardenkygarden Registered Users Posts: 1,060 Major grins
    edited July 17, 2008
    Why not just use the make a copy funtion in the photo tools on smugmug and then put that copy in the other gallery? That's what I do.

  • PBolchoverPBolchover Registered Users Posts: 909 Major grins
    edited July 17, 2008
    Hylander wrote:
    Could you please explain a little how this might work?

    If you apply keywords to a photo, then you the keyword pages look almost identical to galleries.

    For example, gives all of my photos with the keyword "best", and gives "good" photos of myself.

    If you are a Power User or Pro, then it's even possible (with a bit of effort) to add a description to the keyword gallery, and change the breadcrumb:

    A lot depends on the organisational structure that you want. As other people have pointed out, the easiest way (for a small number of photos) is to have two copies of the photo.
  • HylanderHylander Registered Users Posts: 73 Big grins
    edited July 17, 2008
    Thank you kygarden and PBolchover... You've given me a couple ways to go about it.

    I'm probably getting within a day or two of ending my 14-day PRO trial and subscribing for the year. I'll then begin to upload my images which I've had uploaded in my own Coppermine Gallery - which has worked OK for what it was. I was able to link images to multiple galleries by using keywords.

    I shoot mostly autoracing, so I like to make it easy for people to find images. For example, if someone knows somebody who raced in the event or raced themselves - they could go to that particular event gallery that has all the images I have for that event.

    But also, I like to have it so just casual visitors can go to the site and say.. I love vintage Trans-Am Mustangs.. and go to the Category "Cars" and then subcategory "Ford" and then in there is a gallery called Mustang that contains all the Mustang images, etc.

    I'm still trying to figure all these SmugMug nuances out. So far this is what I have:

    After I get things up and running, I'll transfer over my domain.

    Thanks again!
  • danmalksdanmalks Registered Users Posts: 8 Beginner grinner
    edited August 31, 2008
    keyword pages viewing for non-logged in viewers?
    I'd like to use the approach suggested by pbolchover for creating a virtual an URL such as the following in order to show set of photos that have "best" keyword assigned:

    When I try this using my current galleries, users who are not logged into SmugMug get no images, just the following text:

    There are no photos for keyword best.

    Is this because my galleries are private? there any way to use this approach but still hide my galleries from general browsing?

    The use case is the following:
    1. Take lots of pics and upload to numerous different galleries
    2. Tag photos in numerous different private galleries that I want to share with group x with keyword "xshare" (ie: couple photos in gallery 1, some in gallery 2, etc)
    3. email URL: to people in order to share photos tagged with xshare with them
    4. Don't allow people to go to my smugmug homepage and browse my galleries in general

    Thanks for any advice
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