Bay Area Coastal Crawl with dgrinners

aktseaktse Registered Users Posts: 1,928 Major grins
edited December 30, 2008 in Journeys
I still have a ton of photos to process in my queue, including the ones from the Moab shootout, but I received an unexpected nudge over the weekend via a phone call asking – where are your photos? Sigh. So… without further ado -- California Coastal Crawl.

With the dgrin party in my neck of the woods and with my photo family flying into town, I knew I wanted to show my friends the beautiful 'hood that I live in. Ann (Ann McRae), Christina (Phyxius), Debbie (Loper) were flying into town just for the event and Nikolai (Nikolai) was planning on driving all night long to arrive on Saturday morning for a special shoot!

Even though I lived in the bay area for years, I hate to admit it, but I have actually captured very little of it though my lenses. This event gave me the perfect opportunity to change that and I decided to take a day off of work for exploration! Hooray for dgrinners!

There was only one problem. I was burnt out --- completely, utterly drained and I've been this way for months due to a combination of factors including some intense issues at work. I slept walked through Moab shootout in October because I was so exhausted. When the dgrin party weekend rolled around, all I wanted do was crawl into my warm, comfy bed and sleep, but this was something that I couldn't do. After all, my photo family was coming to town! So… onward. March!

Dan (dadwtwins) once told me that he has done some of his best work when he had anything else to give. I don't have if I achieved anything on that level, but am happy with my photos and extremely thankful of the time spent with friends.

I called our journey the coast crawl because that's what we did – crawl at a turtle's pace. And in all honesty, I think turtles move faster than us! I think we had plans to hit six or seven wonderful locations, but I think we got to about three quality stops on the first day. And personally, I prefer quality over quantity.


I met everyone at Hotel Zico in Mountain View and Sam (Sam), JC (JC Dill), Justin (Jzazzi) came along as well! We decided to take the south to north route with our three car caravan along the coast with the intentions to meet up with Andy + crew at Twin Peaks in the city for sunset. In addition, I was going to play a game of Hansel and Gretel by sending text message breadcrumbs to Anthony (tisun) because he had to work until about 1 pm and would meet us along the way which worried me because the cell phone coverage at the coast can be quite spotty.

Our first stop was Capitola, a city in which I've never have visited and only knew it to be an exit along the freeway.

1. Justin Zazzi – I took this frame, and then decided to ask him to pose for a few more (which confused him). However, it turns out that I liked the initial one the best.

2. I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day! Warm, blue with a just teeny bit of haze. And this wasn't a typical December California day…It was warm enough for flip-flops!

3. Utter Fail.
I spent 45 minutes trying to set up a long exposure shot underneath the pier – it didn't happen, but my first IR frame from underneath the pier worked.

Our next stop was Natural Bridges in Santa Cruz, but we never stopped at the bridge itself, but instead, went hunting for butterflies… thousands and thousands of butterflies. I don't think there's an easy way to capture the magnitude of the butterflies.

I sent Anthony a message that we were in Santa Cruz (around 1 pm) and hunting for butterflies – he responded back – you're still in Santa Cruz????

4. Monarchs – but I did get one to pose for me

Our next stop was to search for more critters and we wanted to try for the elephant seals at Ano Nuevo and attempted to send Anthony a text message that we'll meet him there. However, they're closed in December. Onward to the next stop! One slight problem – no cell coverage. I was really afraid that he wouldn't find us...

Bean Hollow is of my most favorite places in the bay area. There are more spectacular stops along the coast, but none that can offer so much – animals, waves, textures, etc. I can spend hours here….

5. Waves

To my relief, I was able to get one text message out to Anthony and he showed up 10 minutes before we left for San Francisco. Breadcrumbs worked.

We rushed up the coast and made it twin peaks with minutes to spare! While others were taking panos, I actually liked the view behind us more. It was felt just like previous shootous -- Andy, Schmoo, Travis, Nick (gluwater), Ivar, Andrew Gibbons, etc. with tripods all trying to harness the light.

It felt like home.

6. Suatro Towers

There was some discussion of photos of North Beach or the Wharf, but we decided that we wanted food more. After all, the crawlers didn’t really have a real meal other than snacks and we decided to head back down south to Daly City for a stop at Boulevard Café.


We actually got up for sunrise!

7. Pier 7 and the Bay Bridge

8. But I actually like the simplicity of the IR one more.

9. Anthony, Christina and Debbie.

10. JC:

After a quick breakfast in Alameda (selected due to easier parking) with Nikolai and his beautiful daughter Helen, we split up in the cars since Nikolai needed to meet his model. Christina, Debbie and I decided to take the longer route, and it turned out longer than expected. Oops! Lombard, Pier 39, Ghirardelli and then to Kirby Cove and the Golden Gate Bridge. Just a slight detour :wink

But we made it for about three or four sets of the model shoot at Kirby Cove. Although I’ve been to the Marin Headands numerous times, this was my first experience at Kirby Cove and it won’t be my last. I’m still not a people photographer, but I have new found respect for those who photograph events and people. It’s not easy!

11. Bricks:

12. Golden Gate Bridge through the tunnel:

13. Miriam:

14. Sherpa Nikolai – he was carrying Miriam’s bag and Ann’s tripod + his own gear!

15. Ann: enjoying the warm bay area weather after a long hike up hill

And then it was time to head back south to Mountain View for the party!


I think I only drive this much in a single day when dgrinners are in town and I did a similar drive when Skippy came to town. I must admit that I had amazing gas mileage during the day!

Moutain View -> Monterey -> SFO -> Fremont for my hockey game.

16. Fishy-y Jellies

17. Floating

I can’t believe I survived the weekend. I can’t believe I made it to my hockey game. I can’t believe that I played in the game and I might have gotten an assist, but I was so tired that I couldn’t remember.

So….. when are we doing it again? :D

I miss you guys already! :cry Come back soon!


  • Ann McRaeAnn McRae Registered Users Posts: 4,584 Major grins
    edited December 16, 2008

    1. thumb.giffor being an amazing hostess/tour guide
    2. clap.gif for your amazing shots! Well done girl.

    I particularly love #12 - the bridge from the tunnel. I sooooo did not see that shot, WOW! bowdown.gif

    And thank you for not pointing out how badly I failed at getting myself back up that hill Saturday! Lucky for me that Nik is THE perfect gentleman!
    So….. when are we doing it again? :D

    I miss you guys already! :cry Come back soon!

    I'll be there - where ever, when ever there will be a dgrin shoot, just holler and I will see what I can do about being there!

    Thanks again

  • grimacegrimace Registered Users Posts: 1,534 Major grins
    edited December 16, 2008
    aktse wrote:
    I received an unexpected nudge over the weekend via a phone call asking – where are your photos? Sigh. So… without further ado -- California Coastal Crawl.

    Who would be so rude and do that?? ne_nau.gif

    Beautiful series April. Your Bay Area shots never disappoint. I really like #5, #7 and #12. Well done!!
  • dadwtwinsdadwtwins Registered Users Posts: 804 Major grins
    edited December 17, 2008
    Great shots Aprilbowdown.gif

    you are not only a fabulous and gracious host but a damn good photographer to boot. clap.gifclapclap.gif
    My Homepage :thumb-->
    My Photo Blog -->
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited December 17, 2008
    I said it before, and I want to repeat it again: without you this whole thing wouldn't be same, or plain wouldn't happen deal.gifbowdown.gif And your images are wonderful, too! clap.gif
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • swintonphotoswintonphoto Registered Users Posts: 1,664 Major grins
    edited December 18, 2008
    WOW! Wonderful shots! Can I claim them?bowdown.gif
  • roentarreroentarre Registered Users Posts: 497 Major grins
    edited December 18, 2008
    They are very well done! clap.gif
  • aktseaktse Registered Users Posts: 1,928 Major grins
    edited December 19, 2008
    Ann McRae wrote:
    I particularly love #12 - the bridge from the tunnel. I sooooo did not see that shot, WOW! bowdown.gif

    And thank you for not pointing out how badly I failed at getting myself back up that hill Saturday! Lucky for me that Nik is THE perfect gentleman!

    I'll be there - where ever, when ever there will be a dgrin shoot, just holler and I will see what I can do about being there!
    I saw the shot when I first exited the tunnel and it's one of the reasons why I didn't take any photos of the model for that tunnel set. I was too busy running back to get my gear and waiting for everyone to leave so that I could play :D

    And you have to come back! We've only seen such a little itty bitty part of the bay area!

    And it was so good seeing you...
  • Ann McRaeAnn McRae Registered Users Posts: 4,584 Major grins
    edited December 19, 2008
    aktse wrote:
    I saw the shot when I first exited the tunnel and it's one of the reasons why I didn't take any photos of the model for that tunnel set. I was too busy running back to get my gear and waiting for everyone to leave so that I could play :D

    And you have to come back! We've only seen such a little itty bitty part of the bay area!

    And it was so good seeing you...

    So, is that why you kept walking by the front of the tunnel.....and actually, you prob-ly saw that shot and I didn't because you could stand UP in that tunnel! rolleyes1.gifrolleyes1.gifrolleyes1.gif

    I agree - I need to come back!

  • aktseaktse Registered Users Posts: 1,928 Major grins
    edited December 19, 2008
    grimace wrote:
    Who would be so rude and do that?? ne_nau.gif

    Beautiful series April. Your Bay Area shots never disappoint. I really like #5, #7 and #12. Well done!!
    Well, I needed a nudge. I'm just lucky that I'm spending some time at home these days.

    Let me know when you're back in town again!
  • aktseaktse Registered Users Posts: 1,928 Major grins
    edited December 19, 2008
    Nikolai wrote:
    I said it before, and I want to repeat it again: without you this whole thing wouldn't be same, or plain wouldn't happen deal.gifbowdown.gif And your images are wonderful, too! clap.gif
    It was so good seeing you! Because of you, I know own two PWs! And have a sunpack, lightstand and an umbrella on an UPS truck!

    And I did very little. I just asked what you wanted to do, and made recommendations based upon that.
  • aktseaktse Registered Users Posts: 1,928 Major grins
    edited December 19, 2008
    dadwtwins wrote:
    Great shots Aprilbowdown.gif

    you are not only a fabulous and gracious host but a damn good photographer to boot. clap.gifclapclap.gif
    Ahh.. you're making me blush!

    And you would be proud of me! I actually stitched a pano! --- sunset @ Twin Peaks.
  • aktseaktse Registered Users Posts: 1,928 Major grins
    edited December 19, 2008
    WOW! Wonderful shots! Can I claim them?bowdown.gif
    I'm sorry to say that you can't claim them, but if you come to bay area, I can take you around and you can take similar frames! :D Come visit!
  • aktseaktse Registered Users Posts: 1,928 Major grins
    edited December 19, 2008
    roentarre wrote:
    They are very well done! clap.gif
    Thanks! I'm just that I got decent results since I was having problems with my gear.
  • aktseaktse Registered Users Posts: 1,928 Major grins
    edited December 19, 2008
    Ann McRae wrote:
    So, is that why you kept walking by the front of the tunnel.....and actually, you prob-ly saw that shot and I didn't because you could stand UP in that tunnel! rolleyes1.gifrolleyes1.gifrolleyes1.gif

    I agree - I need to come back!
    Being a shorty has benefits every once in a rare while. And yes, I could stand up in that thing.

    I heard your voices and decided to walked through the tunnel, but left my camera gear behind since I'm a klutz and was afraid of tripping and failing. And then I saw the bridge, but I didn't have my camera gear!!!!!! eek7.gif

    And I could not go back through the tunnel since everyone was shooting inside! And then Helen told me that I could go around... that's why I kept walking in front.

    And I just received my camera body from canon. It seems that the AF was manufactured defective -- assembled incorrectly. I'm still waiting for my lens to come back, but they stated the issue was sand. We'll see how everything is...

    I'm very surprised that I got any photos at all from those three days! headscratch.gif
  • spechtalspechtal Registered Users Posts: 344 Major grins
    edited December 19, 2008
    Great shotsclap.gifclap.gifclap.gif
  • aktseaktse Registered Users Posts: 1,928 Major grins
    edited December 20, 2008
    spechtal wrote:
    Great shotsclap.gifclap.gifclap.gif
    Thank you! And it's due to dgrin! I wouldn't have taken a single frame if people didn't come to visit!
  • aktseaktse Registered Users Posts: 1,928 Major grins
    edited December 20, 2008
    It turns out that I actually got a few more decent frames.

    1. Waves at Bean Hollow... I really want to go back and get a good sunset here...

    2. A longer exposure of the waves

    3. Spotted comb jellies; these are new and really hard to photography
  • tisuntisun Registered Users Posts: 435 Major grins
    edited December 22, 2008
    April, great shots, especially with the tricky light conditions at Bean Hollow. I have no keepers from that place.
  • Ann McRaeAnn McRae Registered Users Posts: 4,584 Major grins
    edited December 22, 2008
    April - three more winners! Those comb jellies were really tough! Good work.
  • schmooschmoo Registered Users Posts: 8,468 Major grins
    edited December 24, 2008
    Hi April, they're right: your shots of the Bay area don't disappoint! I know you're a workaholic and a sportswoman to boot but your landscapes are absolutely fantastic when you get a chance to get out there.

    When I'm in the area in a few months we'll have to go shooting a bunch, k? :D
  • aktseaktse Registered Users Posts: 1,928 Major grins
    edited December 30, 2008
    schmoo wrote:
    I know you're a workaholic and a sportswoman to boot but your landscapes are absolutely fantastic when you get a chance to get out there.

    When I'm in the area in a few months we'll have to go shooting a bunch, k? :D
    Unfortunately. I think you'll drag me with some force for some bay area photos opts in 2009. I have a next generation chip coming back for work and don't expect any free time for much in the near future :cry I barely expect to come up for air....

    I forgot that I had a few candids of people on my G9.

    1. Ann forgetting that the waves do roll in and can get you wet and cold

    2. Debbie (with her extra special covered 70-200) and Christina

    3. Sam!!!!

    4. Justin trying to get some good waves

    5. The motley crew at Twin Peaks -- feels like a shootout

    6. Anthony (with my siggy) and took some panos with it.

    7. A chimping JC

    8. Nick with the biggest tripod that I've ever have seen. 8 feet tall???? I would need a stop ladder for that thing!

    Until next time....whenever that maybe.
  • CuongCuong Registered Users Posts: 1,508 Major grins
    edited December 30, 2008
    While you still have time, don't forget to submit your entries for the 2008 Shootout book.:D

    "She Was a Little Taste of Heaven – And a One-Way Ticket to Hell!" - Max Phillips
  • aktseaktse Registered Users Posts: 1,928 Major grins
    edited December 30, 2008
    Cuong wrote:
    While you still have time, don't forget to submit your entries for the 2008 Shootout book.:D
    Thanks for the much needed nudge. done.
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