Recent HDR Images - C&C?

Here are some recent HDR images I just finished processing. These are from various spots along the San Antonio Riverwalk, all taken in the last few weeks. I'd appreciate any C&C. Thanks, Lauren
1. Water Lilies - hard to believe it's winter!

2. Augusta St. Bridge, one of the oldest in the city

3. Southwest School of Art, Riverwalk entrance

4. Bridge in the King William Historic District

5. Orchid at the Botanic Gardens
1. Water Lilies - hard to believe it's winter!

2. Augusta St. Bridge, one of the oldest in the city

3. Southwest School of Art, Riverwalk entrance

4. Bridge in the King William Historic District

5. Orchid at the Botanic Gardens

Good luck with your D90 and that faster lens. I want a wide angle 2.8 but have to quit buying other stuff if I want to get one. I'll be looking forward to seeing your shots with your new gear.
Lauren Blackwell
FYI, I have some other "atypical" HDR subjects in my HDR gallery:
Thanks for your comments!
Lauren Blackwell
Nice shots and PP. I particularly like 4 & 5.
Very nice colors in your floral shots. Well done.
My favorite of the others is # 2 of the bridge. It puts me on the bridge and I like the visual from this angle. The building in the background distracts however.
#3 does not do all that much for me I think compostion could be improved and the grey sky and sorry but "puke" green water do not make it apealing, nice sublt HDR however
#4 The post in front of the steps break this photo up. I would have gone with a wider angle and shot in front of the post to the right to capture the bridge and the architectural item on the left of the bridge.
As for the HDR the best advice I ever received was to first make sure your HDR contains the basic things that make a good photograph. It you can't check this box then step back and recompose. Once you see the shot try to see the world in HDR and once you do you will instantly begin to see when and where HDR will enhance your work.
And finally, Keep posting please!!! you show an understanding of this technique and your photos HDR or not are always a pleasure to see.
I will definitely keep posting so I can keep getting help and critiques! Thanks to all!
Lauren Blackwell