Pressure Waves

In one of the other forums Baldy mentioned once how thermals off SanFran harbour were effecting the shot he was trying to make. I thought of that when I ran into this photo. Check out the pressure waves under this jet! (Used with permission.)
The caption reads, "...The jet is not yet supersonic, but is in the transonic region. The air around the plane is accelerated to supersonic speed when it encounters an obstruction (like a bump on the fuselage). Shocks within the supersonic flow (often causing it to decelerate to subsonic conditions) produce large gradients in air density and index of refraction, bending the light differentially on either side of the shock. Those pressure waves can be seen radiating from specific points on the aircraft (including the canopy)..."
Copyright - Bernard Zee
The caption reads, "...The jet is not yet supersonic, but is in the transonic region. The air around the plane is accelerated to supersonic speed when it encounters an obstruction (like a bump on the fuselage). Shocks within the supersonic flow (often causing it to decelerate to subsonic conditions) produce large gradients in air density and index of refraction, bending the light differentially on either side of the shock. Those pressure waves can be seen radiating from specific points on the aircraft (including the canopy)..."
Copyright - Bernard Zee
Never seen such from under a plane before--nice shootin'!
Not my shot. (Full credit and link provided.) Just thought I'd post it here because it's a great example of how even the air itself can have a lens-like effect on your pix.
Besides: it's interesting and rare in it's own right!
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Here's the full shot:with permission. Copyright - Bernard Zee
He actually pulled off several frames during the fly-by. (Check out the link in the first post.)