Water on a CD

I decided to take some pictures to use them as examples of Depth of Field and maybe even explain what I know about it on a page somewhere to help people who know less than me about photography.
The only editing I done was put up the 'Clarity' in the Photoshop RAW Editor and added borders. 1 Image has a + exposure because it was a little dark. I thought they were good examples because it was pretty easy to see if a drop was in or out of focus but it would be nice to see what other people think so C&C is welcome

The only editing I done was put up the 'Clarity' in the Photoshop RAW Editor and added borders. 1 Image has a + exposure because it was a little dark. I thought they were good examples because it was pretty easy to see if a drop was in or out of focus but it would be nice to see what other people think so C&C is welcome

For demonstration purposes you might try it in a room with fewer light sources, so that there's less distraction for the eye to sort through.
Also, and this isn't so much a critique as a suggestion for some related cool shots, you should give it a try with your most "macro" lens and get in real close, and try moving the angle of the light around (if you have a lamp or something). The refracted/reflected colours off a cd can be fantastic, just as they already are in your shots here, and the closer you can get, the more abstract.
This is the effect that Robin is on about.