dss 17 - looking for c's

i sure would like some comments. pretty pls?
do you prefer one over the other in regard to the theme?

do you prefer one over the other in regard to the theme?


Aaron Nelson
Is it possible to make the vignette a little less dark?
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
The puddle doesn't bother me. My eye goes to the mane and pretty much stays with the horse. I had to go back and look at the picture again to see what people are talking about.
Don't see how you can crop out all of the puddle and I suspect that cropping the picture almost up to the horse's eye would just cause more problems with the composition.
If you want to address the issue, you might want clone it out the puddle and retain the nice diagonal as is.
Or try a combination of clone and crop.
Whatever you decide, you have an elegant and very strong entry.
Best of luck to you!
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
My only nit (and it's a small one): is there room to give that left hand side ear (horse's right) just a few more pixels of airspace? Those soft little ear-fuzz hairs are just clipped off, and I notice it (probably because I kept horses for years, and had to clip that earfuzz for show grooming on many an occasion, but fwiw. Or not, as the case might be!)
Strong shot.
i will make some slight adjustments, how much will be determined by the deadline, and my kids needing poppy for other things...
Diva, i agree i wished i had just a little more over there....
but thats it...
shooting horses is far harder than i thought. (they are always wanting to smell the lens...hahaha)