Please help me out of my misery (non DSS)

I need to choose a photo (just one) for another exhibit and have to have it submitted no later than Tuesday, Feb. 3. I'm having a helluva time trying to decide which one to enter. A local artists group of which I am a member is holding this exhibit and it's open to all different kinds of media (not just photos). I gotta tell you, choosing 3 is much easier than choosing one. One constraint that I have is that the photo must be able to go into a 16x20 mat with an 11x14 opening. That's because I'm out of 18x24 mats. :rolleyes
Your comments, C&C will be much appreciated. Thanks.
I've narrowed it down to these:

Your comments, C&C will be much appreciated. Thanks.
I've narrowed it down to these:

So far though I like 1533, and heart in a window better than the other two
for the envirionment your submitting them to (more artsy) I am guessing.
but like I said I'll think about it for a few more hours and let you know my more composed thoughts later / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
have fun
I am going to agree with Aaron here, its what I was thinking and looking at it again it definitively is the most artsy.
The #2 is certainly very serene and peaceful but for an art crowd will it work?
Whats your thought on that?
I visited this show last year as a guest and liked what I saw, hence my reason for joining. There will definitely be some fine painters exhibiting works of theirs as well as some fine photographers, one of whom happens to be a fellow SmugMugger.
I'm caught between choosing something "painterly" (winter scene, kayaker scene) or something more "photographer-y" (locomotive, mannequins).
Maybe the trick would be to print out copies and see how each looks with a mat and a black frame?
You's so much easier to just submit more than one piece and just let the chips fall where they may.
peace, gail