18 - Emotion vs Technical Accuracy

Okay, so, I struggled with this decision because one shot is low-key emotionally and the other low-key technically. For me, the emotion won out (after an internal battle that required taming with cupcakes).
But since somebody else voiced the same doubt I had (not naming names...diva
), the internal battle has again renewed. And no amount of cupcakes can resolve it this time.
So...emotion or technical accuracy? Which one wins out for you?


Thanks for helping me wage the war in a less caloric-inducing manner. :thumb
But since somebody else voiced the same doubt I had (not naming names...diva

So...emotion or technical accuracy? Which one wins out for you?


Thanks for helping me wage the war in a less caloric-inducing manner. :thumb
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Thanks, Dan. Have a cupcake.
I think the light on the wall (sunsetting) is distracting and it seems off balance.
I feel the second hits the theme and is well done and more balanced.
Ofcourse it could be that I have no idea what I'm talking about to so have a cupcake on me?:D
Just my 2 cents.
(I'm assuming it's the gobo on the right throwing you off a bit. I personally like it, but I can see your point when I look at it long enough. Thanks for the feedback!
The problem with this particular challenge imo is this: high/low key are supposed to be specific technical terms but, at least in the reading I've done, nobody can actually agree on what that precise definition is. I've seen everything from it must X% neutral gray to "mostly highlight or mostly shadow" to "emotionally light/dark" etc etc. I feel sorry for the judges on this one, because no matter what definition they use people are going to argue with it!
In competition terms on this one, far more so than in other challenges where the theme has had no real "numerical" component (however inconsist this one may be, it's there) and thus is more subjectively defined, one has the battle between trying to second guess the judge's definition of the technical concept and play to that OR of simply going with one's gut for a great picture that can be perceived "in the style of".
This happens ALL THE TIME in singer land when trying to guess which audition arias to present to a specific panel, and the usual (and very sound advice) is: "Sing what you sing best, and let them decide".
I think the same applies here. There's no way of knowing whether Nikolai and Sherstone are going to play by the numbers or simply pick a great shot. You have two WONDERFUL shots to choose from so.... sing what YOU think you sing best. Regardless of the outcome of the challenge, they're both major, major keepers and you should be very VERY proud of both.
Just my waffling, pan-artistic-discipline 2c.....
(Oh, and by the way - you have a PM)
I like this one the best, it really draws me in.
Tim ( who probably should not eat any more cupcakes :cheeburga:cheeburga )
Thank you, diva. I really appreciate your thoughts and kind words.
Thanks, Tim! I'm giving you a cupcake anyway.
I like both of them...and I think they are both low key. Maybe I'm wrong here...tending to be darker than lighter. My issue is with has to do with your model's hand in the above image...it seems kind of weird...with the shadows the way they are, it looks like her little finger is growing out the side of her hand. I just don't think that her hand looks right for some reason.
What do you think?
Educate yourself like you'll live forever and live like you'll die tomorrow.
uh....don't our votes count in this? Or is it worry over not making the final selection...due to tech stuff?
I tend to vote with my
Those shadows and the shadow of her on the wall are killa!
But I really like how #1 tugs at the emotions, though. There's a story in that shot and story shots have done well in these challenges.
You know what your doing, always go with your gut!
Hope that helps.
I will say this:
Who gives a crap about challenges when you have a photo or photos like these in your port?
Cheers, tom
Photo Gallery | Blog | I'm Unemployed!
For #1, have you thought of trying to soften the lighting on her face in post to introduce some creamy grays?
I don't know. I really love it as is. A beautifully evocative photograph.
Go with your heart.
PS - I love your photography.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Great shots as usual Kerry. You are very talented. Glad to have you around and sharing.
Nikon Shooter
It's all about the moment...