black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited February 8, 2009
The main subject is interesting, but I find the noise issue and the many blown-out areas of the picture to be too distracting. It could be that these effects were what you wanted, but I don't think this shot meets your otherwise high standards.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Is this for real? Cool. The ground seems a bit harsh.
We came across a similar tower in the desert. The sphere looks very similar to the one we found; baseball stitching. I didn't get a full picture of it though but it was fascinating. So much so that we went back at night to see its lights.
The panels are similar in this tower also. I believe in ~reality, these are water reservoirs.
We have those, or at least very similar looking balls around town and in the county, and ours are radar (weather radar).....some are nextrad.......that "pipe" going into it could very well be a wave guide for the transmission of the radar a huge coax cable only it is a copper tube.........
We have those, or at least very similar looking balls around town and in the county, and ours are radar (weather radar).....some are nextrad.......that "pipe" going into it could very well be a wave guide for the transmission of the radar a huge coax cable only it is a copper tube.........
Ok, that explains it. There's an FAA facility about a mile away. As far as water, it did not make sense to me since it's downhill from the FAA (former federal prison). Thanks!
Love your titles. I've always got to look at the images. Nice one.
And I would say it's got to be radar. I don't think that structure could support the weight of water.
Not being what I thought it was, and in fact, Art pointing out that is in actuality more cool than that, I decided to delete my previous speculative response and go with the following;
It is a teleporter- I seen it work. It was very wierd. A guy climbed in and disappeared. There was a 'fzzzzt', sound and poom, he was gone. A little steam came off the side of the orb thing and it smelled a bit like burnt hair. As far as I know he must have come out somewhere, but it was somewhere else, not here.
I haven't heard of it specifically, but similar thought and simultaneous development between unconnected social groups is an interesting anthropological theory. I notice the blog references links from Wikipedia. That would explain the burnt hair smell, but nevermind someone coming out the other end now.
We came across a similar tower in the desert. The sphere looks very similar to the one we found; baseball stitching. I didn't get a full picture of it though but it was fascinating. So much so that we went back at night to see its lights.
Thanks. I'm good with it.
The Tower and sky look great, but the bottom part of the image is very blown out.
Thanks for sharing
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
We have those, or at least very similar looking balls around town and in the county, and ours are radar (weather radar).....some are nextrad.......that "pipe" going into it could very well be a wave guide for the transmission of the radar a huge coax cable only it is a copper tube.........
Ok, that explains it. There's an FAA facility about a mile away. As far as water, it did not make sense to me since it's downhill from the FAA (former federal prison). Thanks!
And I would say it's got to be radar. I don't think that structure could support the weight of water.
Not being what I thought it was, and in fact, Art pointing out that is in actuality more cool than that, I decided to delete my previous speculative response and go with the following;
It is a teleporter- I seen it work. It was very wierd. A guy climbed in and disappeared. There was a 'fzzzzt', sound and poom, he was gone. A little steam came off the side of the orb thing and it smelled a bit like burnt hair. As far as I know he must have come out somewhere, but it was somewhere else, not here.
Anyone come out on your end Art?
February 3, 2009 -- Teleportation is no longer science fiction
I haven't heard of it specifically, but similar thought and simultaneous development between unconnected social groups is an interesting anthropological theory. I notice the blog references links from Wikipedia. That would explain the burnt hair smell, but nevermind someone coming out the other end now.