Frozen Bubbles

It has been really cold here in North Dakota this winter so I thought I'd blow some bubbles. When bubbles freeze they look like plastic. I had a few problems with them in the beginning, but learned to blow them upwards so they had time to freeze before they hit ground or touched anything. Doesn't take long for them to freeze. I took these when it was -18 -- windchill was in the lower 30's. Hope you enjoy them. If you wish to see more:
Dogdotsphotography--Mary Kim- powered by SmugMug

Dogdotsphotography--Mary Kim- powered by SmugMug

Very nice shots!
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"If you've found a magic that does something for you, honey, stick to it. Never change it." - Mae West, to Edith Head.
"Every guy has to have one weakness - and it might as well be a good one." - Shell Scott: Dance With the Dead by Richard S. Prather
Ohhhhhhh now that is very clever
Now all I need is for it to snow and get freezing cold here,
hmmmm chances of that happening are like ZERO
The first shot has a feathered pattern on the bubble,
where as the second shot looks like two pearls.
I'm truely impressed
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
WOW, I have never seen anything like that, very crafty of you, and
really neat looking first shot.
Very Nicely Done!!!
Burleson, Texas
Most of the bubbles I blew that day and the night before took on that cloudy look, but I did have a few that actually had a feather look. I was really hoping they would of kept their rainbow look to them, but no such luck.
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Get your bubbles and be ready for next winter
Has to be below zero for the best and quickest freeze of the bubbles---the lower the better.
Do you need to keep your camera protected from the extreme cold? Or do you do this close to your house?
These are soap bubbles, right?
As for keeping my camera warm...I don't do anything. My camera keeps working in the extreme cold without any problems. I do bag it before I come inside and I will leave it in the bag till the next day. It gets really cold and takes it a long time to get to room temp. I was concerned about windchill, but even that didn't effect the performance of the camera. Some days the windchill would be -35+....burrrr.
I do have another photo of the feather look in the bubble that I haven't added it on my site. I do have this one. Can't really see detail in the bubble, but I liked how it was stuck to the end of the grass. Would of gotten a closer photo, but as soon as I walked closer to it -- it broke :cry
Dogdotsphotography--Mary Kim- powered by SmugMug
Don't know if I will have the chance to get any more photos of bubbles this winter....its warming up
There are a few more photos of the bubbles in my Still Life galleries....sorry but they are scatterd in a couple of the galleries if you want to take a look.
I'm happy your enjoyed them