Help With MC #3 Please

Hello all! I have just returned from vacation and have spent some time today playing around with my MC #3 entry.
It really did not turn out how I was hoping. I was totally in the wrong spot, as far as capturing the fireworks was concerned. Most of the fireworks were behind a bunch of trees to the camera right. But I really liked my location as far as the castle and water are concerend. I love how I got a little reflection from the castle and fireworks.
However, when the fireworks started I heard a lady standing next to me say, I don't think the photographer knew what she was doing... I was a little embarrased.... then I said....O well.... life goes on.
This is what I managed to put together with three different photos that I took. What do you think? Am I missing something? Does something look...not right to you? Also, I used a desk top to process the photos but had to move it to my lap top to upload to the internet and the photo looks a lot different on the two monitors. The bushes look to bright for my taste here on my lap top but over on my desk top they looked darker, like I like them... Are they too bright or dark or just right... uhhhggg the stress
Thank you all sooooooo much!
A Magical Evening
It really did not turn out how I was hoping. I was totally in the wrong spot, as far as capturing the fireworks was concerned. Most of the fireworks were behind a bunch of trees to the camera right. But I really liked my location as far as the castle and water are concerend. I love how I got a little reflection from the castle and fireworks.
However, when the fireworks started I heard a lady standing next to me say, I don't think the photographer knew what she was doing... I was a little embarrased.... then I said....O well.... life goes on.
This is what I managed to put together with three different photos that I took. What do you think? Am I missing something? Does something look...not right to you? Also, I used a desk top to process the photos but had to move it to my lap top to upload to the internet and the photo looks a lot different on the two monitors. The bushes look to bright for my taste here on my lap top but over on my desk top they looked darker, like I like them... Are they too bright or dark or just right... uhhhggg the stress

Thank you all sooooooo much!
A Magical Evening

"Whether you think you can or you can't, you are right."
On my monitor the brushwork looks fine. The only thing I noticed was that the castle is leaning toward the right. You need to straighten that and then I think you'll have a solid entry for the mega challenge.
I love the reflections you caught!
On my desktop monitor (calibrated), no area of the bushes looks too light and some areas are quite dark. I might lighten the very darkest areas just a bit, but not too much since they are the frame for the photo and not the subject.
You might want to check that the castle is straight. It looks to me like it is tilted a bit to the right.
Finally, the small bit of bright light on the right side of the middle level of the castle looks like it is part of one of the fireworks but I can't figure out how it fits in. I'd think I'd clone it out.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
My SmugMug
It's a great shot, and I think you were right to stay where you were to get the reflections and have the strong vertical composition with the castle. I love how the reflection on the fireworks on the right "wiggle" in the water. The bushes don't appear too bright on my monitor FWIW.
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