Yellow Prop Job

After going through an ordeal with my monitor and color calibration, I'm finally able to start processing HDRs again! Whoo!
Anyway... I went on a trip with my family to the USS Hornet in Alameda, CA, and these are two planes (of many) on display on the hangar deck of the aircraft carrier.
You can read more about my visit to the USS Hornet on my photo blog.

You can see it even larger here.
Anyway... I went on a trip with my family to the USS Hornet in Alameda, CA, and these are two planes (of many) on display on the hangar deck of the aircraft carrier.
You can read more about my visit to the USS Hornet on my photo blog.

You can see it even larger here.
The annoying thing about going into these type of museums is all the ropes and barriers they have around the Aircraft to stop people touching them or climbing on them...... be nice if you could get in for a special shooting without all the barries hu.
Sharp shot ... plane looks good, prop is real sharp!
I'm hoping to go to the Airshow down here at Avalon next month.
Thanks for sharing
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Website: Tom Price Photography
Blog: Capturing Photons
Facebook: Tom Price Photography
Jack'll do: You should have seen that neighboring boat before I "fixed" it! It's actually another gray naval ship. The whole opening was a blown out glare and I had to take my darkest RAW, darkened it more in lightroom, layered it underneath in PS, and brushed through a mask to bring it up. Then later, I selected the gray and darkened a little more by adjusting the levels a little darker.
I think that it is a lot closer to what I actually saw since that elevator door faces east and the sun to the west, in the late afternoon when it was taken, was low and reflecting off of the ship into the hangar deck.
Maybe I'm over analyzing....
hawkeye978: I'll check when I get home and see if I saved the settings on this one. Most of the time I don't because every picture is so much different, but it's something that I'll start doing because it's as easy as checking a box on the save file dialog and doesn't waste any space.
Processing the photo in Photomatix and tone mapping really is only the start of it for some images. I'll admit that for this image there was a lot of layered exposure blending and other Photoshop manipulation after doing Photomatix to get the results that I wanted.
Thank you all for your comments!
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Ok... I went through my files here at home and I found an .xmp file from processing this image. But, I think I remember processing it a couple of times and I only saved it once. I ran the RAWs through Photomatix again and threw this .xmp at it and it was pretty darn close, but not exactly what gave me this result. It would get you into the ball park with my originals.
Every image is going to be different and these settings probably won't work with anything else that you shoot. But, shoot me a PM and I'll email you a project care package...
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