#20~can you relate to this??

I figured I would start a new thread as this one I will be entering for sure. This sums up my everyday life. Please if you see spelling errors let me know! All comments and thoughts welcomed.
A day in the life of me...
A day in the life of me...

I don't think there's a working mom in the world who can't relate to that!!!!!
I love it!
PS Shouldn't it be "We're sorry- JAG has just encountered a problem and must close now" since it's you who's got the overwhelmed system?!
(I love this, in case that wasn't obvious!!)
thanks for your replies. Yes I did already correct the "answer" one. I am pretty sure that is the message I get when psp crashes. Then the screen goes white and then shuts down. You can see the white in the glasses reflection!
No, no, not the error message - I changed the INITIALS (from "PSP" to "JAG") because with that lot it shoudl be YOU that's crashing!!!! Oy. I have moments like that every single day.....
hahaha! Oh I see! Well I felt reality was a must here....I don't have TIME to crash!!!...
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
Houston Portrait Photographer
Children's Illustrator
I love that you put yourself in the cup.
And perfect that you have your laptop in front of you!
thanks tylwydd and Heather.
Heather I think that she looks like ME (at least when I was younger)! Although I wished I looked like her...as she has no wrinkles!!!:D
I just noticed another spelling error! Anyone else see it??
if your reffffering to my posts, im sure there are more...ahahahahah
Anyone see it??
Funny that none of us has seen it.
My SmugMug