All Past Challenges

Is there a link(s) to all the past challenges for folks to go review what has been (the differences between the original challenges, LPS and DSS...)..also the very good very vital information that was shared on those challenges?????
There is a lot to be learned from those past postings it would be a shame for them to go into the netherworld to never be available again for inspiration.
There is a lot to be learned from those past postings it would be a shame for them to go into the netherworld to never be available again for inspiration.
"Genuine Fractals was, is and will always be the best solution for enlarging digital photos." ....Vincent Versace ... ... COPYRIGHT YOUR WORK ONLINE ... ... My Website
There's the Challenges Galleries The most recent ones have all the feedback in the galleries, which is pretty cool....
Never knew that.......nor would a newbie to the forum......I just thought it was a gallery of like the top ten to various challenges and of course the ads for the various major shoot outs and Marcs workshops.......
I do not do a glide over over photo in a header or on a page to find hidden messages and I bet very few if any visitors would either:D
I would have thought a very top level sticky in the forum would be appropriate.
I found out about those by clicking them...
(and I do hovering for clues too
You should try it more often...never know what you might find.:D
All past DSS Challenges are listed in the "All Things Official" Sticky. This is so we don't have 7 stickies, as there is a BUNCH of important info in there. It's everyone's duty to poke around, ask questions and do searches. Claiming ignorance is no excuse. There are plenty of people around here that are happy to help.
Good point, Kerry, but the challenges had to be put elsewhere due to their design.
Sorry, you are so right. I was just one click away from a reality check.
I've never clicked that link before, i've always used the header image links
anyway, because of this thread I checked it out but I'm not seeing a "Dgrin Challenges" thumbnail there. I see only "Dgrin Events", "Dgrinners", "Dgring Photo of the Year".
Edit: On another look I saw the Dgrin Challenges link in the menu on that page. I was looking for a category not a menu item
Yeah, it takes a moment to see it. When I first went looking for them, I, too, looked at the category thumbnails before noticing it in the menu links. I think we photographers are just naturally more inclined to look at the pictures before cluing in to the text sometimes. :giggle