#21 Maybe. Or Maybe not. (C&C)

Greenegg, I did this BEFORE I saw yours! Oy. Seems we're all in thriller/film noir(ish) mode....This is what happens when I got bored in the studio last night (I am really REALLY reaching my limit with SP's - can't WAIT to have some real bodies other than my own to practice on!!! However, practicing on me means I may have some clue when I finally get those other bodies 
Anyway, this may turn out to be just for fun. Or maybe it's a useable entry. Or not!!! Whaddya think?

Anyway, this may turn out to be just for fun. Or maybe it's a useable entry. Or not!!! Whaddya think?

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I like the placement of and expression on your face. If I were in a bookstore and saw this, I'd think I'm about to read a parody of a murder-mystery.
Ahem. Time to get serious. I do like the concept a lot. I definitely think it is worth pursuing. I really like the use of red and black.
I love the bleeding title, though having seen PyroPrints suggestion to Ashley I am now looking at typography more critically and thinking maybe something a bit less blocky might work better.
As for the photograph itself, I think it needs some work. You might try to go more low key. For me, the "victim's" very bright face takes away from the mood. The subject looks more shocked than scared. The left gloved hand looks too big. And the third hand should maybe be more in shadow. Or - it could be bright and the victim and the other two hands could be more in shadow.
I guess basically what I am suggesting is that you play with using dark and light to up the scare ante. My 2 cents worth.
Great idea. Can't wait to see what you do with it.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
See No Evil
(a spoof thriller)
As for the gloves all being the same that was sort of my "plot" point that I was using my "cover" as a teaser (I was thinking that the person being "scared" was actually the killer, thus the threefer of hands. But since it's not a real book and that's as far as the plot got, it's pretty weak!!!). I also toyed with cloning out the buttons and desaturing either the pair of gloves, or the "killer" glove so they weren't all red. Hmmm....
Let's see if I can mess with some of the other shots. My problem was that because this was a totally on the fly idea (other than the gloves - I knew I wanted to do SOMETHING with the red gloves, just because they're such fun, so I remembered to take them out there with me) and I didn't have a lappie and could only chimp the shots - taken with a new lens, so I was getting to know that, too (finally got my 85 1.8!) and... well, like I said - just a bit of fun, yanno?
Here you go for some serious silliness (a shame it looks vaguely obscene :giggle) - I think this one should be called "Shlock Horror!" or "Hommage to William Castle" (and if you don't know who that is, go and see one of his movies, and then watch "Matinee", a wonderful little film witih a main character that is clearly meant to be the man himself...)
Ok, back to renewing the passports (gahhh... I hate hate HATE bureaucratic paperwork!!!)
Now I gotta know who's hand is filling the third glove in that shot! The book title that jumped into my mind was "Itsy Bitsy Spider Climbed up the..."
Oh, and to compare bureaucracy notes, try renewing a business visa in China. Ugh.
sorry about the runon sentance, and the quality of the image (i only have MSPaint on my work pc!)
The second image is very creepy with the hand coming in from underneath, i like it!
No seriously, I do!
I love your expression on the first attempt. But I'm not sure what to make of that phantom arm. It looks out of place in that shot because it's just hanging there. In the second one at least it's going to do something to you. However, where it's positioned, it looks like it's reaching for your boobs.
Well yeah - that's why I said it looked slightly obscene! It cracks me up every time I look at it - talk about ABSURD!! (Alternatively, I just have to think of a good title for it ... BWAAAHHHAA!!)
I may get a a chance to reshoot before the deadline; we'll see... depends on if I can get into the studio enough since we're closed for the break next week...
Your alot farther than I on this one. I haven't had time to even think of this challenge yet. Hopefully soon.
I love your image. A far as the text goes, you probably want to use a simpler font. If you use serifs, keep them somewhat subdued. Don't be afraid to stretch things out of standard proportions. Also, play with fades, reflections, etc. just to see what you come up with. Here is something I did with your cover quick&dirty. (Hope you don't mind.)
If all else fails, go to the book store and see how the so called experts do it.
Good luck!
— Kevin
My Site, My Book
In fact, a reshoot this afternoon may take me a slightly different direction (about to post the next version!), but I'm already applying the ideas you've got me thinking about!