#22 Big Yellow Bus

I may go back later for a reshoot when the shadows are falling the other way. I had hoped to get a closeup of the serried ranks, but the depot has a big ole locked gate on it - I felt like I was trespassing just sticking my camera through the chain link!!!
There's another angle from a hill that's kind of cool (even if it means standing in the slip lane by the freeway entrance!!!), but that definitely needs the shadows reversed, or even better, straight overhead so that there's no obvious direction. However, I kind of liked the "one way" sign - it just cracked me up (but I accept that may be just my warped sense of humour and not funny to anybody else!)
Thoughts? (ps - this is the first shot I've worked up with a screen calibrator (YYYAAAYYYY!!) - how does the colour look to others? I did add a warming filter and some saturation to this, but is it in the ballpark?)
~~image removed - scroll down for re-edited shot(s)~~
Also, now that I'm using my beyond-praise Tamron for most things (boy did I get a sharp copy of that thing!) and the 85 1.8, I find my long lenses deeply disapopinting in compraison... ah well, time to start saving up for some L glass, I guess!!! :rolleyes ::muttergrumbleneversatisfieddarneedexpensivehobbymuttergrumble:: :rofl)
There's another angle from a hill that's kind of cool (even if it means standing in the slip lane by the freeway entrance!!!), but that definitely needs the shadows reversed, or even better, straight overhead so that there's no obvious direction. However, I kind of liked the "one way" sign - it just cracked me up (but I accept that may be just my warped sense of humour and not funny to anybody else!)
Thoughts? (ps - this is the first shot I've worked up with a screen calibrator (YYYAAAYYYY!!) - how does the colour look to others? I did add a warming filter and some saturation to this, but is it in the ballpark?)
~~image removed - scroll down for re-edited shot(s)~~
Also, now that I'm using my beyond-praise Tamron for most things (boy did I get a sharp copy of that thing!) and the 85 1.8, I find my long lenses deeply disapopinting in compraison... ah well, time to start saving up for some L glass, I guess!!! :rolleyes ::muttergrumbleneversatisfieddarneedexpensivehobbymuttergrumble:: :rofl)
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The sign cracks me up too.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Heather, ours are kinda orange-yellow here, but maybe I overdid the warming filter a tad (still getting used to the calibrated monitor - seems uncalibrated I have a STRONG blue cast - which explains why I've overwarmed so many shots in the past, and old habits die hard :giggle)
Glad somebody else got the sign gag - I thought it was just my absurd sense of the absurd!!
I just went back again in the hope that the shadows would be otherwise placed, but in fact I got my orientation wrong (the road curves around right by the depot) so they were in fact worse. Maybe if I get up early enough tomorrow I can catch them more appropriately placed. Or maybe I'll just start cloning the tops of the buses
I sooooo wish I could get in close, but it's seriously gated - I'm just hankering to do a shot from low down right along the serried ranks. Or, alternatively, that I could get WAY up high and shoot down on all of them... it just cracks me up seeing close to 200 school buses lined up like that!
ETA: actually, just looking at the 2nd batch on the 'puter and because some cloud cover had come along, they may in fact be better for lighting... watch this space....
1 (rework of similar shot to the one I first posted, but taken under cloud cover and hopefully not supersaturated beyond recognition
2 Different crop
3 Reverse
It is too bad that last bus driver on the first photo doesn't know how to park his bus in symmetry. Actually now that I think on it, I like the last photo best because for some reason I find that little bit of woods a skoash distracting. Though I do love the one way sign funny with the buses pointing the wrong way.
So you have a title yet?
I think it should be:
The Fleet
Yellow Fleet
Nice job!
Lauren Blackwell
Thanks Heather! I actually like the last one best too, except that all that foreground bugs me. I just wish I could have got IN there and gone for a similar shot, but closer to the nearest bus... Ah well, it is what it is
Thanks for the feedback! Still musing on a title. At the moment I'm leaning towards "The Wheels on the Bus" (actually, I like ".... go round and round", but it is a bit obtuse if you've never had a toddler!!!)
# 2 gets my vote. The one way sign gives the photo that little something extra.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Thanks Gina! Yes, "God's Softbox" worked very nicely
I still wish there'd been an angle to get the WHOLE fleet, but such is life - I'm afraid my passion is not enough to have me climb and stand on the wall of an overpass many feet above a busy freeway...
It is never to late to become what you might have been.