Congratulations to sherstone for the DSS #21 (Book Cover) Winning Photo!

You guys really picked up your pace this round, taking advantage of the full month to plan and execute a book cover that would appeal to readers. Awesome job! :clap
Annnna888 and Greensquared agreed on five images, giving you fifteen finalists to choose from. Congrats! :barb
Remember that every Dgrin member can vote and the poll will run for 72 hours, so let your favorite be known!
thebigsky - The Mourning Of Angels

annsan - “he”

jeffmeyers – InfraRural

tykemama - Expecting Perfection

Coldclimb - The Day That I Died - left behind

sherstone - Desperate Ascensions

eoren - The Forgotten

coscorossa - Stanley Park

benjer - TRASH COUTURE: Fashioning Trash & Found Objects into Art

ilbcnu - Secret Garden Secret Memories

Tylwydd - A Ghosthunter's Guide to Haunted Houses

richtersl - James Longstreet

Porter - In a Nutshell and Other Silly Clichés

kinkajou – Surfaces
Annnna888 and Greensquared agreed on five images, giving you fifteen finalists to choose from. Congrats! :barb
Remember that every Dgrin member can vote and the poll will run for 72 hours, so let your favorite be known!
thebigsky - The Mourning Of Angels

annsan - “he”

jeffmeyers – InfraRural

tykemama - Expecting Perfection

Coldclimb - The Day That I Died - left behind

sherstone - Desperate Ascensions

eoren - The Forgotten

coscorossa - Stanley Park

benjer - TRASH COUTURE: Fashioning Trash & Found Objects into Art

ilbcnu - Secret Garden Secret Memories

Tylwydd - A Ghosthunter's Guide to Haunted Houses

richtersl - James Longstreet

Porter - In a Nutshell and Other Silly Clichés

kinkajou – Surfaces

Vote for the DSS #21 (Book Cover) Winning Photo! 112 votes
thebigsky - The Mourning Of Angels
3 votes
annsan - “he”
7 votes
jeffmeyers - InfraRural
6 votes
tykemama - Expecting Perfection
9 votes
Coldclimb - The Day That I Died
5 votes - left behind
7 votes
sherstone - Desperate Ascensions
16 votes
eoren - The Forgotten
11 votes
coscorossa - Stanley Park
10 votes
benjer - TRASH COUTURE: Fashioning Trash & Found Objects into Art
15 votes
ilbcnu - Secret Garden Secret Memories
4 votes
Tylwydd - A Ghosthunter's Guide to Haunted Houses
6 votes
richtersl - James Longstreet
5 votes
Porter - In a Nutshell and Other Silly Clichés
5 votes
kinkajou – Surfaces
3 votes
Are we going to get critiques if we didn't make it to the voting round?
It isn't required for the judges to critique nonfinalists, but you can certainly encourage your peers to leave comments in the gallery.
That said, despite the HIGH HIGH number of fabulous entries, there is one which I like so well that for once I could cast my vote confidently and right away
Congratulations to everybody, and particularly to the finalists - truly, an awesome, inspiring, AMAZING round of entries and designs (because I think in many of these the "design" of the cover was integral to the final product)
Bravi tutti!!!
I'll try to comment on as many entries as possible. I'm kinda swamped with a deadline at work coming soon, so I can't promise a comment on every single image. I'll definitely try though!
SmugMug Support Hero Manager
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I'll be doing my best to add feedback to all of the entries, although it may takes a few days, so please be patient. And now that about wraps up my modstuff...I can't wait to start shooting again! rock!
Twitter: @kabbottphoto
When I saw the entries going up, I was floored at the quality of professionalism I saw. I very nearly did not enter. I'm floored again and very humbled that my entry made it to the voting round.
Sure glad I did not have to judge this round. I can have as many favorites as I want!
Website: Tom Price Photography
Blog: Capturing Photons
Facebook: Tom Price Photography
Like pretty much everyone who's commented so far, I'm floored by the amazing work here - from the photography and design to the interesting and unique subjects and titles. I think this has been the most fun I've had with a challenge entry so far, and I find the rest of the entries very inspiring as well. Being chosen as a finalist is a bonus - thanks!
I too think this was a very intense and beautiful round the quality of entries is outstanding!
Congrats to everyone that entered!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
there were so many really nice entries (like everyone previous to me has stated). great work, everyone - dgrin shooters rock!
and, just for kicks, here are some the best fake book covers ever made, courtesy of the onion:
MOD EDIT: Changed these to links in keeping with DGrin policy. Cool covers!
oops, thanks! now i know
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
This was the first challenge I've had the time/gumption to enter... and this is actually my first forum post ever, I sure hope I'm putting this in the right spot (If I could find a "clueless" smilie-thingy... I'd enter it here)!
This was so much fun to do, and I am really quite inspired by the range of entries, and different ways to interpret a theme.
I'm excited to be in the voting round (thanks!)... and hope to get some time to comment on all of the entries... but I'm afraid that "wow... great concept" might get repetitious. Note to self: break out the thesaurus!
Original Artwork, Photography and More
I appreciate a good critique... and would love to hear from you!
Congrats to all that entered. Great work everyone. Now I need the story behind the covers. I think all would make for some great reading. Good luck to all the finalist
Voted, though entries were so amazing it was virtually impossible to decide on a best of the best. Wanted to vote for category winners - Best Drama :cry, Best Comedy
Desperate Ascensions
This was an incredible round. Awesome job, everyone!
The following five people are now eligible to participate in Mega-Challenge #4:
Amazing stuff! Sherstone... I am still trying to figure out how you did that...
My SmugMug
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
And, congrats to the rest of the finalists!!!!
Thanks also for the votes for my trashy idea. I'm very excited to have made the top 5, but terrified of the upcoming mega-challenge!
Also congrats to the rest of the entrants and finalists, another great and wonderfully diverse set of photos. Let me know when you all get your books published so I can place some orders
Photo Gallery | Blog | I'm Unemployed!
Thank you Benjer you really know how to make my hat not fit my head properly ;-). I knew instinctively that this round would be a close race but I honestly did not expect to win.
Congratulations to yourself on your second place win, I can happily say my vote went to "TRASH COUTURE", I am very impressed with the stand out graphic quality of it, and your imaginative use of the pole actually gives it even more strength in its composition than without it.
Thank you! to the judges and everyone who voted for "Desperate Ascensions", and also a big congratulations to the other finalists as well, eoren, coscorossa and tykemama all awesome works!
I guess I'll go hide now for 10 days :hide
Thanks again everyone especially the behind the scenes people who keep it all going like Kerry and DoctorIt.
Ah, the price of victory....