Working on Energy

Can you feel it. I had some other thoughts that I wanted to try. This one done with in Camera multi exposure. Had shot 2 other scenarios but did not do anything for me. Going back tomorrow to shoot some more.

Old And New

Reworked the first one might be a bit much now

Old And New

Reworked the first one might be a bit much now

Chris K. NANPA Member
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Very cool idea and kudos on the shot in number 1... that is awesome.. I agree the colors are not punchy enough or bright enough.. it looks a little dull. I like #1.......... Number 2 is very creative in its own right though, although #1 works better for this theme..
Good luck
Great idea though. It's the second thing that came to mind when I started thinking about this challenge. Problem for me is that the closest windmill farm is about a 2.5 hour drive and I may be too busy to get out there.
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I am going back out tonight to shoot some more. I have some other ideas on this theme
— Kevin
My Site, My Book
A long exposure unless it is bright enough just makes dull circle that does But if you get long enough to give a bit of blur it does give the sense of motion. The first one
I did get a couple more shots and ideas did not do any noise adj yet
LE Night with the moonrise light painted
Extreme curve adjust with normal moon
BMX Track
Green Energy
ok,, the first one hurts my eyes.... me no likey..
The second one is really creative and goes a long way towards the
"energy theme".
The third is not as powerful as the second, but not bad.. I think it is the way you accomplished the blur motion. Why the hump in the blur? did they jump over the hill right there? if they did then that would make sense. I did some blur shots today too.. and you can get a real good effect if you utilize and active zoom while shooting.. at least it worked for me.. The reason I mention this is when I look at the photo, I see the white blur from "way up in the sky, however, they may have jumped that high up.. I don't know.
anyways.. the last one, well who does not like a good baby photo.. that is adorable.. My fav is #2.. but I will mention that I really loved your first entry at the start of this post too.. the "original" shot.. that was a contender...
Hope i helped some... good luck..
ok,, just now noticed your re-work on the original.. well.. how did you adjust it? I am not favoring the re-work.. it brightened it up, yes, but it sure brought out a lot of red fringe in the photo. Maybe try to adjust it with the "shadow highlight" tool with advanced options PS and then apply a very very slight Gaussian blur bringing that in on a secondary layer and adjusting the opacity until it looks right.. I mean you do not want a lot of blur, this photo looks best sharp with the wind blades, but then just a slight blur on a secondary layer will help to fade the red fringing and harsh contrast some?
also, I dont favor the fan poles so yellow, I think they stood out more from the background when they were a little darker in color, like on the original shot.
Just some thoughts... I know there are a lot of PS geeks on here who can probably suggest something better... this is just what I would do...
I wish I was more into Photo shop I use mainly Capture NX I have CNX2 now and I am getting used to its new functions. Used Corel to blend the moons but all are rough works. Just throwing ideas out there to see what sticks. Oh and the baby(grandson) was just too darn cute not to include.
Thank You for looking
I am going to be back in that area again Wednsday there is another location with old windmill that was a hike that I didnt take the time to do.
Here are some that are more simple but I do like the geometry and the clouds had not moved on in the later shots. It is really different the editing in Capture NX2 between the single shot and the multiple exposure it is harder to bring up the contrast with out making it look wierd. But i do like the m exp for the effect on the blades
I think the concept is great, and graphically speaking you could really take the technique of the first image and make something really special happen. While I don't have a the answer (lotta help I am... sorry!) ... I really love how surreal (yet real) the blades of the windmill appear in #1... and while I like the composition... I'm not sure it has enough impact overall. Perhaps a longer lens... tighten up on the composition (as in your second round of images?), but more of a dynamic composition... Just rambling off the cuff...
Hope this is more of a help than hindrance...
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