Ok > > > First Shoot -Some of My Ideas For The Challenge

ok here are a few I am working on and I am determined to get an entry in the gallery by the end of this weekend.. instead of at the last minute this time..
Re-shoots are possible and "all" advice is welcome and appreciated...
I really favor the Speak No Evil.. But the microphone came out nice too, just like I had envisioned it in my head before the shot.. I figured the silver and patterns would do well and they did.. so I am not sure which I will go with yet.. The processing is not finished on these.. so any suggestions on the processing would be helpful too...
One Hit Wonder ( This was shot with diffused light and on felt intentionally for extra texture)

Now this set I wanted to do as a series, but I am finding it difficult to fit them into one triptych. So I shot them separately, and will chose one. I may try to shoot them all together as a group too.. The title on these was supposed to be
"The Three Evils" so it would have fallen into the "many" for the theme, if I chose just one then it will be singular of course and I will go with the title given below..
does that work for the theme?
Hear No Evil

See No Evil

Speak No Evil ( This is my all time fav... and I am thinking of a re-shoot to take out that shadow from the wing so that the cherub's BUM shows more giving it that cute cherub appeal.. but I may leave that be, not sure.. what do you think? I put a lot of work into the shadows... are they ok as is? or a re-shoot?
Re-shoots are possible and "all" advice is welcome and appreciated...
I really favor the Speak No Evil.. But the microphone came out nice too, just like I had envisioned it in my head before the shot.. I figured the silver and patterns would do well and they did.. so I am not sure which I will go with yet.. The processing is not finished on these.. so any suggestions on the processing would be helpful too...
One Hit Wonder ( This was shot with diffused light and on felt intentionally for extra texture)

Now this set I wanted to do as a series, but I am finding it difficult to fit them into one triptych. So I shot them separately, and will chose one. I may try to shoot them all together as a group too.. The title on these was supposed to be
"The Three Evils" so it would have fallen into the "many" for the theme, if I chose just one then it will be singular of course and I will go with the title given below..
does that work for the theme?
Hear No Evil

See No Evil

Speak No Evil ( This is my all time fav... and I am thinking of a re-shoot to take out that shadow from the wing so that the cherub's BUM shows more giving it that cute cherub appeal.. but I may leave that be, not sure.. what do you think? I put a lot of work into the shadows... are they ok as is? or a re-shoot?

And my only other suggestion might be to consider for a title, "million hit wonder," since the venerable Shure SM58 microphone is probably THE most popularly used (and abused) microphone in the world! Explodes the old cliché and still fits the theme!
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
Awwwww Ben........ how am I gonna do that and still get the up in your face look of the grill? that sounds impossible..I can try it.. but I am gonna lose the detail..
funny on the one hit wonder huh.. I would not know the first thing about it, thanks for the tip.... stole it from the husband's studio.. hehehehee.. I am not allowed to touch the equipment.. Big no-no... will have to snatch it for a re-shoot..
Either move the head of the mike to the left or the right -- not sure which, but the compo needs a little "oomph."
Alternately, try changing from Bounce to Downy.
The angels individually look OK, but I'd like to see the triptych version. I think the three evils idea is a good one.
I know Pyro, Awesome yes? I favor it.. I am trying to humanize the personality with the processing.. The noise is removable.. I put it there as grain.. so I will re-process that.. and repost.. not sure you will be around to critique it though on your trip.. will try to get a redo up by tonight..
anywhere specifically to darken the shadows? I assume you mean the face and hair? thanks!
Just turn the mic handle back (away from the camera) a bit more, a little shy of a "head on" shot perhaps? That way you can keep the grille the same relative size and distance and not lose detail. You can also play with DOF and see if it looks better with the handle in focus or fading out as it moves away...
you could also try a splash of light in the background, a spotlight reference maybe, or just light the edge of the black handle to give a little more definition.
I like the Mic shot the best too. I am trying to decide whether the text (brand/model name) on the mic is distracting or not. I am curious to see how the grille will look after you have sharpened the image.
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
Thanks Linda...
You see with the triptych, I lose it badly... I tried that and once done and resized to regulation they look small and just like figurine still shots.. What I am trying to do is give them a surreal type personality, make them per say "art".. when I shrink them to fit into the triptych, I lose that effect.. They start to look like the first angel posted here up top.....
so I will try to tweak that mic for you guys and see if I can give it something...
If I can't I think I favor the 2nd or last angel..,, "I am going to try" to shoot them as a group to chase that original theme idea, but it will be one single photo..
thank you for the help..
Oh.. I did forget to sharpen... I will have to get that done on the polish and get it up on this version...
Then I will reshoot a different angle too as a second possible composition..
thanks for your help Allen and congrats on the big win today..
ok,, I will try it.. but I may end up messing it up.. I do have some spotlight effect filters I can try on it too.. I get what you are saying about the light and the title..
DOF... I shot it at F/36 I closed down as tight as I could.. what about an HDR? there is some nice silver??? maybe?
thanks for the help.. will be working on it for sure..
Gonna have to be left to pull off what Ben is talking about...
Downy giving your perks?
Ha Ha,,, See you started this........
thanks for the help Mark...
================================= AND
Thank you Everyone.. WOW, What a Crew...........
You guys rolled in like a storm to help out.. thanks
will work on it... back to (other) work for now...:cry
From the shots above I am for this one too.
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
Thanks Photobug..
I favor it too... reshooting the microphone for the others.. I still think I am gonna like the angel better... but I am going to give their suggestions a try.. I am also shooting the angel again right now, to try and take the shadow out from under the wing, so we get nice feather detail...
all over. I usualy use the levels tool and just bring up the darks.
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
Got it.. thanks pyro..
I really like the way you shot "see no evil," but I think the mic fits the theme the best. It's well shot, but it seems to be missing some context to bring me into the photo. I'm not sure what that is, but it's definitely not the post processing. If it comes to me, I'll be sure to post up.
Olympus E-M5, 12-50mm, 45mm f/1.8
Some legacy OM lenses and an OM-10
I am resooting and reworking right now.. will post those.. and as far as the mic goes,,, well I am working on that too.. lets see what I can pull off...
Thank you for chiming in.. always appreciate the help...:D
loved your shots.. can't wait to see your rework on those..
... the more I look at the angels, however, the more I like them.
Olympus E-M5, 12-50mm, 45mm f/1.8
Some legacy OM lenses and an OM-10