Some Ideas for #27

These are just concept ideas so far. Lighting wasn't the best today.
Any possibilites?
50 Stars 13 Stripes

Titles: (something like): One 2 Many (or) Too Many

Any possibilites?
50 Stars 13 Stripes

Titles: (something like): One 2 Many (or) Too Many

Brian Friedman
OH MY WORD.. you nailed it.....AWESOME DOF..
And don't change a thing about the title... Perfect title.. stirs the emotion and aids your photo in its story..
ok lets see my favs.. too many favs...ok..
#2 - Need to brighten the grass and the distant tombs some and sharpen it up.. and a little more light on the trees in the back would really be the icing on the cake for the DOF. just a little though, not too much as you don't want them to dominate the composition.
#4 - Already has the lightened grass and is almost perfect,, just needs more contrast.. punch it up a little. just a little. love the grain and favor this one..
#5 Is very well shot and makes me want to cry, tons of emotion evoked on this one Brian... my second fav... However, it needs some work.. Look at the man's head, it blends too much with his surroundings.. and you need to darken the benches to almost black steel to contrast the rest of the composition..
# 6 is just plain cool the way it is shot with the trailing DOF.. It could use some sharpening and some contrast. Bring out the dark veins in the marble and punch that white and you may very well have a 3rd contender..
The flag is a great shot too, but no where near the "impact" Bravo...
Los Angeles dance photographer
What I really love about your idea is that black and white is the perfect choice, especially for the tombstone and vault pictures. It is what would work best even if you weren't entering the picture in a black and white challenge.
Although maybe you can't say the same for the flag picture, your b&w conversion on that one is awesome.
As for title, since most of the headstones shown in the photos are of people who survived the war they fought in, maybe a reference to quiet heros would work better. Or "remembering the many" or something along those lines. Just a thought.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
I thought they were tombstones? Virginia?
Oh poo now I gotta figure something else out.
Nice work.
I knew this idea might be popular, so please don't let me discourage anyone with the same idea from not using theirs.
I was afraid that the flag (which looks amazing in color) wouldn't hold up to black and white, but I still have some ideas with that that I am going to explore.
I definitely need to work on the conversions. With the exception of the flag, all are just default grayscale conversions in Camera Raw to get an idea of how they would look in b&w.
The flag is a possibility too, you just need to give us different options on how you shoot it. Try different angles, shoot some extreme and others well balanced.. You may find a winning comp. in there somewhere.. The current one you have posted does not have enough impact in my opinion..
Now on the black and white conversions, this is how I do it.....
I do not shoot in monochrome. I shoot in Color. Then I bring it into photoshop and "always” use the black and white conversion tool under IMAGE> Adjustments> Black and White...
This tool gives you "better" control because it
is working off of the color memory in the photo and it gives you sliders to control
that. I don't use desaturate, because I find I have less options.. The only time I use desaturate is when I am going to do a black and white coloration project, where I am going to need the history brush to restore selective color.
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So, you should try it on one of your shots to see the results.. shoot in color and then convert via the black and white tool.. Others on here may have a different conversion technique, but this one is the one I always use and thought I would share it…
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Look forward to those new shots..
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"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain