DSS #27 - First Attempt

Had a chance to photograph something today during a tour of a historic home that may (or may not) be suitable for the challenge. Do ya'll think any of these would work? I was thinking "toy" or "doll". :scratch





Twitter: @kabbottphoto
If you are going for "singular", I have a hard time seeing it in these images. They all look too busy to me to draw my eyes towards the doll ... just too many things are competing with one another (less in the last image of course).
just my 2 cents.
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
Yes Linda, I echo what Allen is saying 100% ... they are creative, but if you go with these the last one speaks more for the theme.. but I find the shiny plastic look on the face takes away from it being a good black and white conversion.. I found that out the hard way when I attempted to shoot my sons dart board as a black and white for this contest.. plastic is hard to work with in B&W conversions..
You will come up with something.. you always do,, give it another shot...
I do see your signature style in these....
Yeah, these were a stretch, theme-wise. I just loved the light on that antique doll so I figured I'd give these a try.
Looks like it's back to the drawing board for me!