DSS 27 - The Truth is Out There!
Here's my idea for DSS 27, and I admit I'm in a bit of a silly mood this week. C&C Welcome, reshoots possible.
Title: The Eggs-Files: Fight the Future!

Title: The Eggs-Files: Fight the Future!


I like the second one best... but I am thinking you can bring more to the table than this.. waiting to see......:D
still waiting..........
not enough impact here...there is just something missing for me in these.... what other ideas do you have... we see eggs every morning... give us something unique..
I like #2 & #3. I like the way the light is hitting the lid in #3 but you have a cleaner glowing egg in #2. Is there any way you can combine the best of both of those to come up with a #4?
You're joking, right?
I agree, actually! I'm gonna try some new techniques tomorrow that my brain just thought up to give a more realistic glow "SOOC" and reduce my dependency on Lightroom and Lightzone for the effect. Stay tuned!
Kat, sorry you don't get excited about eggs ... but I already spent the $1.29,
Any ideas you have for adding impact, I'm all
Nope not at all.
Can't wait to see what you come up with for the more realistic glow!
>>> Ok... well Mr. Determined... lets try to make that investment pay off then..
Perhaps it is because I collect over 20 eggs a day from my chickens.. I am always giving away eggs.. too many eggs.........eggs eggs and more eggs.. husband is always saying, you need to use them eggs up.!
hmmmmmmmm.. ok, lets think... if it were me and I had to shoot eggs.. I would put them in a metal egg basket and make good use of the silver in the metal for black and white impact.. however, if you dont have a metal basket for them, then... well.....
I am thinking..........................
what about cracked, maybe add to the shadow effect cracked or maybe egg shells.. or..... I dont know.. but if you look at the pictures (carefully) you will see why I am saying what I am... there is -NO- contrast MArk.. a lot of greys, no blacks and whites to work with here to give it depth.. so at least keep this in mind when your shooting them again and processing them.. and are you saying "one" or many for the theme? it kind of says both with that lit up egg..
WAIT...... I just had an idea...
ok.. how about slip some of the eggs into a large Metal Whisk? then lay that on a white backdrop, like a counter top and then get some harsh light casting on them to bring out the white shells and the metal silver and it will cast harsh shadows too for black appeal on the white backdrop... I think natural harsh daylight from a window is best...
There that is my best advice.. what ever you do.. Good luck with it...
Kat, point taken about the flat lighting .. will try to add some "depth" to them there eggs.
And, just for the record, these are just picture-taking eggs. I only cook--and eat--organic free range.
I suspect there's enough room in this challenge for more than one picture of an egg. And I have a feeling anything you enter will outshine my poor efforts.
One thing I've found, these things are highly reflective. The hard part isn't making one of them glow, it's making the other eleven NOT glow!
oh. Linda.. when I think of you shooting a kitchen theme, that one in your gallery comes to mind with the lady making pie.. what a setting that would be to display eggs.. I absolutely " love" that photo...
VOte for #2 here.
And you're all ahead of me - best I've thought of so far is lonely peas (see Sandra Boynton for details), but I don't have the right dishes to make it work and my budget is SUB $1.29 at the moment ("LOOOXURY!!!").
Sigh. I'm reduced to taking my OWN %!&#*&$_!&#& headshots to keep my picture-taking going (and because I need new ones), but I can't do what I want there either because it's near impossible to successfully manage reflected natural light and shallow depth of field in a self-portrait....
But I digress. Trust no-one.
As the father of a rambunctious 4 year old, I can honestly say I
Wait, did I just hijack my own thread?
How about using some of your get-ups? I am sure you have tons of stage costume stuff.. a pair of heels or maybe a sparkly stage dress? you get where I am going with this.. perhaps it is all around you there at home..
Best of luck to you..
Yep.. looks like you did.. but then that is your specialty
I thought you might (it was the diaper-box-light-tent that gave you away
/Hijack For Good Cause
My SmugMug
Nope. I'm going to look for something else. It's gorgeous outside over here in PA and I'm sure there's SOMEthing out there waiting to be photographed for this challenge. Right now your shot is unique. If I entered a similar one it won't do either one of us any good.
But getting back to your shot -- have you thought of removing the glowing one from the container and placing it in a different position in the shot? Like on the counter or something like that?
Thanks, Kat!
Sorry, just needed to vent.
But a little potty-mouth is OK.
Cook 'em up and eat 'em, of course -- with a little side of bacon! :eat
Just a thought -- have you tried photographing them in your frying pan as they're cooking? Like sunny side up?
I tried photographing food as I was cooking it exactly once. I'm a pretty good cook, if I do say so myself, but a bit chaotic. Add a tripod and a camera into the mix is a recipe for disaster!:hide
And I aint sure I wanna be crackin' open these eggs after they've been sitting under hot lights for a few hours at a time ...
Thanks for your thoughts tho. I'll think of something.
:yikes Ewww...... I hear ya!