Pushing the theme 27

I admit it - this one has left me high and dry. Neither of my first ideas looked good in bw, somebody else has already done my 3rd idea , and ... well, you get my drift :rofl
I was thinking about this under the title "One.... Singular Sensation" (as in the song from "A Chorus Line"). My daughter received an award for exceptional contribution to her Children's Chorus at Prestigious Local Instituation yesterday, and I managed to get her to pose for a few shots in the picturesque downtown area afterwards (only a couple but hey - we take what we can get, right? I claim privilege as Proud Mommy
Too tenuous for the theme? I know it's pushing it but I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel here!!!
I was thinking about this under the title "One.... Singular Sensation" (as in the song from "A Chorus Line"). My daughter received an award for exceptional contribution to her Children's Chorus at Prestigious Local Instituation yesterday, and I managed to get her to pose for a few shots in the picturesque downtown area afterwards (only a couple but hey - we take what we can get, right? I claim privilege as Proud Mommy

Too tenuous for the theme? I know it's pushing it but I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel here!!!

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I really favor the personality of this shot.. what a pretty girl. I am lovin the polka dot dress and the shadows... The polka dots help with the bit of blowout on the street. They help to counter that.
The nature of this shot makes is a great black and white photo..
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
I think it is very nice. The shot works very nicely in BW
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
Well done!
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