#27 C&C Welcome

The theme: Cherries.
Here are the options - pretty much in order of my liking. I'd appreciate any thoughts/preferences/suggestions you might have. Thanks in advance!
Edit: Reshoot of #1 added!
1 - Original

1 - Reshoot


Here are the options - pretty much in order of my liking. I'd appreciate any thoughts/preferences/suggestions you might have. Thanks in advance!
Edit: Reshoot of #1 added!
1 - Original

1 - Reshoot



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Maybe just a smidge of a crop off the bottom?
My only other thought, perhaps you contemplated this, but I wonder how this would have looked if your subject had a stem.
Very nice! Love the flow of this composition.
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I was wondering when someone was going to do some fruit.. refreshing...
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
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Life a bowl of Cherries!!
Somehow I managed to only eat one so far... I don't know how much longer I can resist!
Thanks again!
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Looking forward to your new shoot.. and I think the stem is a wise choice.. just be sure to keep it within the focus range.. I noticed on the ones you posted with stems, some of the stems were there, but because they got thrown out of focus you really can't see them well..
Good luck with it...
He Kat, ya know what else helps those? Punching someone. Works every time! :lol
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I thought of cherries, but didn't do it nearly as well as these.
Don't listen to her Kinkajou.. stick with the cherries...
Ha ha! I'll do my best. I'm just about to sit down and reshoot, so the new version should be up tonight!
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Can't wait to see!! Wish I wasn't at work right now....
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I love this shot. The wandering cherry is sublime.
The re-shoot nailed it... awesome way you shot these, and the stem is the cherry on top!!!
Nice work
Fantastic...you were able to keep the insanely shallow DOF and pull off the cherry with stem in focus.
I would fix nothing....submit as is!
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I love the wandering cherry as well - great job, especially successful invoking the rich colour we know is there, which is REALLY hard to do in BW (as I discovered....
i'm glad you're satisfied because the subjects are unavailable for another reshoot... yum:D
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