DSS #28 - C&C Welcome

I think I'm going with circles. A few ideas:

I know this is a very shallow DOF (from me? what a surprise!), but there's something that I really like about it.
Acoustic 1

Acoustic 2

I can do a reshoot on these easily (and probably should in better light), so feel free to go crazy with suggestions/ideas.
And just for kicks - here's a square

Don't worry, this isn't up for consideration for entry - I just thought it was hilarious (it's SOC, btw).

I know this is a very shallow DOF (from me? what a surprise!), but there's something that I really like about it.
Acoustic 1

Acoustic 2

I can do a reshoot on these easily (and probably should in better light), so feel free to go crazy with suggestions/ideas.
And just for kicks - here's a square

Don't worry, this isn't up for consideration for entry - I just thought it was hilarious (it's SOC, btw).
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As for the guitars, that is also a very nice composition and I like acoustic 1 the best.
Twitter: @kabbottphoto
Great idea
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
Re Cork DOF:
I had tried some variations and liked the shallowest DOF field best. Once it I gave it a greater DOF, the floorboards were a little distracting to my eye (SOC - no tweaking):
original for comparison:
I can do a reshoot on this for more detail in the cork.
Re Acoustic:
I had tried a variety of angles and found the fretboards and strings to distracting. I really liked some of the shots, but they looked less like "circle" and more like "guitar and ukulele". Also, I liked the reflection in the shot that I posted, which is one of the main reasons I chose it over the rest, though I'm willing to part with it. Some others from the same session (SOC - no tweaking):
3 - The more I look at this one, the more I like it...
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"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
This is a cool idea and I'm sure that you will nail the final take.
— Kevin
My Site, My Book
But, of you newly uploaded images, I really, REALLY like #3. Love the colors, the DOF - this is a real winner IMO!
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Here's a reshoot and original for comparison:
I took Kev's advice and tried for a DOF that allowed the top of the neck to be in focus as well (or at least discernible!), and used a different surface so that the lines of the floorboards wouldn't be distracting. I'm worried that it's a little dark, though. Might need one last reshoot in really good light.
Cork 2
Cork 1
Thank you all so much for your critique through the various challenges; all of your comments and suggestions really help my photography skills grow. It's very much appreciated!
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Twitter: @kabbottphoto
My Site, My Book
If ya end up re--shooting with the better light that you mentioned, I would try out a blue background of continuous tone too, it may contrast better with the green bottle than black.. The black looks awesome, but a step up to blue on the color wheel may have surprising contrast results too.. ya never know....
It looks great..
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Cork 3
I'm kinda stuck between 2 and 3
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Yeah, I really wish I could, but what you're seeing is the whole vertical height of the shot, so I'd actually have to set up again and reshoot in tomorrow's mid-morning light, which is unlikely at this point
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I like the way the colored background contrasts and looks on the green bottle, and I kinda like the added smooth texture in the background too, it make the bottle seem less lonely and balances it too..Plus the cork in #3 is better and has more presence and texture.. and that blue glow on the bottle is pretty too..
I vote #3 then #2
Nice Work
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For this shot it wouldn't be difficult at all to add canvas to the top and/or crop the bottom. Easier than reshooting.
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Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
Fancy stuff!!
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Your entry looks great in the gallery! Great choice and nicely done!