Congratulations to JeffGroves for the DSS #28 (Circle or Square) Winning Photo!

Are you dizzy from seeing shapes everywhere yet? :lol3 Such an imaginative round! :clap
Your awesome judges shatch and divamum agreed on five images, giving you fifteen finalists to choose from. :barb
Poll will remain open for 72 hours. Any previously registered member of DGrin can vote, so let your favorite be known!
CygnusStudios - Circles of Change

dnie - 5²

Passage - Next Up

JeffGroves - Bubbles and Bokeh

MarkR - Looking Up

Jackiep - Tic Tac Toe

pyry - Small World

nightpixels - Acting Like Kids Again

Kinkajou - Cork

KatMitchell - Rounds of Coercion

The Curious Camel - Chick Magnet

Sherstone - Symbiote

Halite - Misfit

ghinson - Cedar Point Circles

richtersl - The Final Frontier
Your awesome judges shatch and divamum agreed on five images, giving you fifteen finalists to choose from. :barb
Poll will remain open for 72 hours. Any previously registered member of DGrin can vote, so let your favorite be known!
CygnusStudios - Circles of Change

dnie - 5²

Passage - Next Up

JeffGroves - Bubbles and Bokeh

MarkR - Looking Up

Jackiep - Tic Tac Toe

pyry - Small World

nightpixels - Acting Like Kids Again

Kinkajou - Cork

KatMitchell - Rounds of Coercion

The Curious Camel - Chick Magnet

Sherstone - Symbiote

Halite - Misfit

ghinson - Cedar Point Circles

richtersl - The Final Frontier

Vote for the DSS #28 (Circle or Square) Winning Photo! 109 votes
CygnusStudios - Circles of Change
4 votes
dnie - 5²
5 votes
Passage - Next Up
6 votes
JeffGroves - Bubbles and Bokeh
25 votes
MarkR - Looking Up
3 votes
Jackiep - Tic Tac Toe
2 votes
pyry - Small World
9 votes
nightpixels - Acting Like Kids Again
7 votes
Kinkajou - Cork
6 votes
KatMitchell - Rounds of Coercion
17 votes
The Curious Camel - Chick Magnet
5 votes
Sherstone - Symbiote
7 votes
Halite - Misfit
7 votes
ghinson - Cedar Point Circles
5 votes
richtersl - The Final Frontier
1 vote
C-O-N-G-R-A-T-S to all the finalists!!!!! Everyone did such an awesome job
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
Congratulations to the finalists.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Congrats to all the finalists..
Awesome Competitive Images..
I am grateful to be among those chosen for the nail biting round...:D:D:D
Thank you to the judges,,, and too all those who supported my efforts and
helped me out.....
Thumbs Up >>> to everyone who entered, great images..
I am so thrilled to be included with the in the finals. Thanks to everyone who helped me figure out what to do to improve this time. I learned some new skills and after all, that is what it's all about. Thanks!!
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You describe it so well Kat.
Congratulations, to all! ...... Facebook
Thank you for selecting me as a finalist! I really appreciate the help of everyone who commented on my shots - thank you so very much for encouraging me to take my shots one step further.
Now I'm definitely feeling the age-old DSS dilema: "I can only vote for one?" Many of my top 10 favorites are here. This is gonna be tough
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
I am in aw of all the beautiful images and never dreamed I would stand among you.
I'm still in shock to see that my image was included in the voting round.
I guess the nail-biting will continue until the end of the week. / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
May the best pixel win
Facebook Fan Page
I'm impressed as always.
Olympus E-M5, 12-50mm, 45mm f/1.8
Some legacy OM lenses and an OM-10
Best of luck to all.
How cool is that? What an honor to be included with the the other squares..... and circles.
A sincere thank you to the judges for what I know was hard work. Congratulations to all the finalists and a big thumbs up to all that played in this challenge as there were so many great entries!
Congrat's to all the finalist and all the entries. Way to many great ones to pick just one. Great Photo's. Nice work.
Twitter: @kabbottphoto
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You're making me laugh Donna.....had to push F5 to realize that was a refresh shortcut!! I learned something new....and very useful! Thanks
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And now, F5!
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No kidding....where is everyone!! I fear a month-long challenge is going to make this place a ghost town until we get closer to crunch time.
You've got just as good of a chance as the others.....and you got very favorable feedback in all the threads!! I especially like the comment in the gallery regarding single block photos assembled in PS to make the window!
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