#29 - Car Wash

"Car Wash" - 1976 number-one single by Rose Royce.
Any of these images stand out? These are actually some shots I took this past weekend for my photography class (working on HDR).
I like these shots, not thrilled - I really needed a classic VW beetle in orange and super model to make this work (my wife wouldn't cooperate

I've got a few others....and I know, they are saturated - seems to be my thing as of late.
Any of these images stand out? These are actually some shots I took this past weekend for my photography class (working on HDR).
I like these shots, not thrilled - I really needed a classic VW beetle in orange and super model to make this work (my wife wouldn't cooperate

I've got a few others....and I know, they are saturated - seems to be my thing as of late.
I like the saturated color, but that's me, I like bright colors. I think I prefer 1 or 4 because I can see all the words. I want to see wash in there. But then, I like the line of windows...
The clouds are great too... I think best in 4
My son says 4, lol.
ok, I'm off to Cici's for pizza now...
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Maybe if you cook dinner your wife will work with ya... :ivar
It would be really cool if you could shoot one of those automatic car washes in action..:D
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What brain? I'm making this crap up as I go along.
Oh, I love the colors that you have going on, but do agree that there needs to be more of the actual equipment involved.
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But for the challenge, you're going to need something with a bit more "wow" factor.
These kinds of shots sometimes do really well with HDR treatment. Check out the 4th pic from this post: http://www.dgrin.com/showpost.php?p=740171&postcount=8
Main thing is that we have lots of time to play and experiment.
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This is what I use:
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Funny - I did use HDR!
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Let's see a juiced up version, then.
The more I think about these images, the more I really dislike them for the challenge. I think I'm going to either scrap this idea and find another, or reshoot. If I could just find someone to let me use an orange classic VW beetle!:D
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I hope I'm doing this right now - I'm really new to dgrin. For what it's worth, I actually like the first image the best. I would shoot it landscape rather than portrait though, & it needs.... an element of interest. For lack of the Vdub & model, how about a bucket overflowing with soap suds, a hose with water running out all over the place, and a pile of rags/towls nearby? w
Forgot to mention - killer color saturation!!! w
Welcome to DGrin Mad Cat - always nice to meet someone new!
Thanks for your feedback - much appreciated.
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Hi Wess... Good to see you finally join the DG, warning,, it is addictive....Some awesome peeps on here..
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You're too nice Kat. This was actually my attempt at being funny. I've done a lot of reading online about HDR...ventured over to Stuck in Customs. Anyway, to make a long story short......one source said to "never ever go lower than 4 on light smoothing in Photomatix Pro" and that "friends don't let friends do HDR on drugs".
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Seriously, I am in the same boat, just learning the HDR stuff too.. I use Dynamic Photo HDR.. It gave me a scare recently with my gun entry though because a lot of these HDR programs strip the exif from the photo, so I found out the hard way..
HDR is soooo fun though.. Here is the link to the software I use.. http://www.mediachance.com/hdri/index.html
Well good luck with whatever you decide to do, I think the Frank Sinatra option opens up a lot of possibilities for sure..
Yeah I'm starting to feel hooked already. We got some heavy hitters on here..... oh yeah I just figured out that other thing you were talking about, I hope..... Anyway, almost everything I've seen looks like it's produced by people who are passionate about their photography. No lookie - loos trying to blog about their existential angst or loose stools here! Thanks for bringing me in! w
It knocked me out of my chair too.
Kat's right about some of these HDR programs stripping the exif. If your program strips exif, you'll need to provide a link to one of the original images when you upload your photo to the entry gallery. The judges will be able to get the create date of your photo from that image.
There is a action for PS that does quite the same thing and you don't have any problems with the EXIF...
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Really Linda...this one was for you.
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