#29 Possible Entry

Hi All,
Been at Smugmug for a year but this is my first post and first contest.
I would appreciate comment, thoughts, etc.

I Am a Rock
I am a rock, I am an island...
Simon & Garfunkel
Thanks, John
Been at Smugmug for a year but this is my first post and first contest.
I would appreciate comment, thoughts, etc.

I Am a Rock
I am a rock, I am an island...
Simon & Garfunkel
Thanks, John
However, I almost missed the face that you integrated into the rock. I would take it into PS and under Image> Adjustments> Shadow/Highlight work with the shadows and other adjustment sliders under that tool, just to pull that face out a bit more for impact, not too much, just a little....
Very strong entry, well done.....
I hit enter too soon and sent it before writing anything!
I wanted the face to be subtle. You think it is too subtle?
Well ya know how this goes right? once you notice the face and it is pointed out to you, then you see it every time.. The thing is that I did not notice it the first two times I came in to look at the entry..hmm.. I agree 100% that it needs to "stay" subtle so that it does not take on a PS look. SO perhaps you can work with the dodge tool on a very light tolerance like 1 or 2% and just lightly bring out the white in the eye (OR) enhance the catch light in the eye or something like that to lead our eyes to notice the face?
Or just leave it as is, and see what others say.. The problem is they are probably going to pick it off right away now that I mentioned it, After all, now that I know it is there, I see it every time and just fine too..
What do you think of this one?
Different face.
Definitely this one John.. Awesome Job...
The face fits better and the catch lights in the eyes really pull us into the face..
Already on my personal fav list....
A Very Strong Entry; Very Competitive..
Very nice entry.
Good luck!
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
"Only those who can see the invisible can accomplish the impossible."
A few more masks and some motion blur in PS. Is this more what you were thinking?
Thanks for the input. John
— Kevin
My Site, My Book
I agree with Kevin... Either go with the non-motion shot as it holds its own character with the motion stop. Or go re-shoot with a long exposure to give us that streaming soft white water.. This PS layering for motion is always detectable and it just does not look natural, it gives it more of a feeling of "camera shake". I have seen this pulled off with other images and it can look awesome, but really tough to pull off with water...
I will PM you the method out of Scott Kelby's book,
perhaps that will help some..