DSS #29 possible entry
Hi everyone ! I'm glad to be back at the challenges 
I didn't expect to get something for this one but I found out a song called Fireworks by Moby that couldn't match better to this shot I got on Bastille day.

It might not be very original though, and the picture may need some adjustments (maybe the title as well). What do you think about pp adjustment ? (A reshoot won't be possible before next year

I didn't expect to get something for this one but I found out a song called Fireworks by Moby that couldn't match better to this shot I got on Bastille day.

It might not be very original though, and the picture may need some adjustments (maybe the title as well). What do you think about pp adjustment ? (A reshoot won't be possible before next year

The only nit I have with this is your choice of song title. You've chosen a gorgeous instrumental piece but not a "song". In order for an instrumental piece to be classified as a song, it requires words.
Since you shot this on Bastille Day, the first song that came to my mind was "La Marseillaise". Or perhaps there's something from Les Miserables that may also be suitable and more to your liking.
You haven't been around in a while. It's great to see you posting again.
I realized that the song I chose wasn't really a song when I posted... I'll have to find another title... La Marseillaise is a nice idea, or maybe another french revolutionary song (the tower in my shot kinda look loke the Bastille tower itself)
The post process is good and I can't really add anything to what Linda said, because "she" is the "Music Connoisseur" way ahead of me......:D
I say go with it, and if you have any extra time, keep shooting so you have options since there is still time before the deadline....
Don't know which one is better...
As for the title, I kept thinking about "La carmagnole". It's a french song from the revolution as well as "la marseillaise".
Here is a new crop, with or without the tree limbs :
And title is still "La carmagnole"
I don't understand French, so the YouTube video really helps with the song. Love your selection.
First off, you did a super job on the fix and I am happy for you that it worked because although the square crop was ok, the taller composition works better for this shot...
I am stuck because I like the clean layout of #1 yes.... but then #2 with just a tiny bit of the branch showing like that, makes it look more like you were there taking the shot and less like a composite. It frames in the foreground without distracting. Even if it is not a composite, it has the look of one in capture #1 because of the pattern in the fireworks. I am on the fence about that white hot glow on the left edge "just peeking" over the edge. It gives it a cropped feel...
What say you Linda? Am I over analyzing here?
Also, for me, with the tree branch gone my eye is drawn off the top left corner looking for the rest of the fireworks. It seems incomplete. With the branch, and distracting as it initially seems, the shot is better framed, you understand why it was cropped there, and your eye can settle back to enjoying the whole scene.
But that's just me.
Katrina : thanks, I'm glad I was able to "clone out" the leaves but I still prefer the frame they give to the picture. It is more balanced with the leaves (or I feel it is) as Mike says. Looks like the fireworks are better captured when there's some darkness over them. Looks less cropped indeed.
So I'm finally back with these crops with different amounts of leaves
#1 :
#2 :
#3 :
You will notice if you re-read my post that I mentioned the framing of the leaves, so yes, I do very much agree. Out of this set, I would say #2 is best, just enough of the branches to frame but not take away from he beauty of the shot..
Very Nice and Best of Luck to You...
Thanks a lot for the input (#2 is my fav too so far)
Choosing can take so much time ^^
"The point in life isn't to arrive at our final destination well preserved and in pristine condition, but rather to slide in sideways yelling.....Holy cow, what a ride."