#30 - The Wig Lady

A few hundred dollars, the clothes on their backs, and a dream - the immigrant story that has become almost cliche. 35 years later the Cho family has a successful business and was able to send all 3 of their children to college.
I'd greatly appreciate any input. I had B/W in my mind when I originally envisioned this portrait - though I'm not so certain now. :dunno I'm open to any suggestions on post processing - and even though a reshoot is not possible, I would like your suggestions for things that I could have done to improve these images as well.
These are special photos to me - the first time I've used Lightroom (vs PS), the first time I've taken photos in RAW format, AND the first time I've used off-camera flash - the learning curve is steep around here!

2. (bw using LAB color lightness channel conversion to grayscale in PS)

I'd greatly appreciate any input. I had B/W in my mind when I originally envisioned this portrait - though I'm not so certain now. :dunno I'm open to any suggestions on post processing - and even though a reshoot is not possible, I would like your suggestions for things that I could have done to improve these images as well.
These are special photos to me - the first time I've used Lightroom (vs PS), the first time I've taken photos in RAW format, AND the first time I've used off-camera flash - the learning curve is steep around here!

2. (bw using LAB color lightness channel conversion to grayscale in PS)


Twitter: @kabbottphoto
I think I would like to see the #3 in B&W...
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Houston Portrait Photographer
Children's Illustrator
Tatiana - I'll see what I can work up this eve after work.
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Thanks for your input Jenn - I was hoping you'd chime in. I agree with you 100% - #1 is more telling of the shop owner's character, something you are keen to pick up on.
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I think you are both on to something. Thanks Linda and marikris.
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Download these free presets and play around, you might find a combo you really like:
I just looked at the entry gallery and saw that you posted a sepia version of #1. I love it!
Good luck to you.
Thanks Linda - you're so kind.
I'm still open to any and all c/c.
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To me the mannequin on the right is still popping out.
Also, in my opinion, we should be able to see more hair rather than lips,
especially that the whole image is dark (in my opinion too dark) and those
lips are too outstanding...
I know it's a difficult image to work on because of those mannequins, and
I don't know what to advise you to do...
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Thanks Tatiana...your advice is much appreciated.
I too am beginning to think that this image is too dark. My work was done at home on an (dare I say!!!) uncalibrated monitor. Now I'm at working looking at it and it does seem too dark.
I've gotta think about this...
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Thank you both so much for taking the time to c/c. I too like #3...wish though I had used a different angle.
I'm really beginning to hate that corner wighead!!!
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Hey Christopher,
It doesn't look to me that your photos were taken at a kind of event, that will not repeat (like my buskers).
Can't you just go there and shoot again?
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No, won't work....this is my mother-in-law, a 3+ hour drive. :cry
What's interesting though...I couldn't decide who to photograph, my mother-in-law or my father-in-law. My father-in-law has repaired SLR cameras for probably 50 years, and in fact, he has a HUGE collection (400+) of cameras....a collection that would make your mouth water. My father-in-law gave me my first SLR camera, a Pentax, about 8 years ago. During our visit last weekend I grabbed a few rolls of film. I think I'm going to pull out that Pentax and have a little fun....it's been so long.
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It sound very interesting... wow... I had about 8-10 years ago a Pentax with film too - I still have
the photos on a drawer someplace (but never bothered to scan them) - nice photos though, as I remember
Well, maybe it's worth the work and the "little fun"... you never know
Good luck
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