Some Cemetery IR shots (4 large)
Went back to Virginia City, NV yesterday to shoot some more IR in the cemetery. After two shoots, I've covered maybe 1/4 of the cemetery.
From the first shoot (not the spooky ones):

A couple from yesterday:

Hope they don't give you any nighmares
From the first shoot (not the spooky ones):

A couple from yesterday:

Hope they don't give you any nighmares

A picture is but words to the eyes.
Comments are always welcome.
The contrasts in the first shot are cool, but I can't help thinking the shot would be improved if the statue wasn't so central in the frame
The last two, I really like, the contrasts are so dramatic but imo they lack a focal point and fail you to draw you in. Maybe getting low and wide with one of the gravestones in the foreground
Fantastic location, shoot some more
Do you mean a little more like this for the first one?
I know what you mean with regards to the last two. After looking again, seems I fell into the IR trap; the effect becomes the subject. For the last two, I think I was going for mood as the subject, very difficult to achieve. I did notice that for most of my first shoot, there was a central, tangible subject.
Luckily, this site is close to home, so I'll be going back time and time again. Very photogenic.
Thanks for your comments, definately something to keep in mind,
A picture is but words to the eyes.
Comments are always welcome.
Not trying to sound like a parrot here, but after viewing the shots I came to the same conclusion as Gubbs-the IR processing is excellent. Very well done imo. However, where you loose me is in the composition. As you noted in your post above-it looks like the effect has become the subject.
You second post of the statue from #1 is much more pleasing to me, I like it much better.
There is nothing in the shots that a bit of selective cropping won't fix-again in my *humble* opinion.
I'll relook at the shots with a more critical eye.
Thanks for the comments,
A picture is but words to the eyes.
Comments are always welcome.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Thanks for looking and commenting. By the way, I love your tag line:
cameras don't shoot people.....
A picture is but words to the eyes.
Comments are always welcome.