Busy Little Bee (macro)

Best way to get more in focus as opposed to 50/50? Is there a way to make the camera focus faster? I usually focused and then held in in the half focus position... should I just keep it on MF for these instead in the future? (not posting my out of focus ones, just the ones I like below)




That's all for now, comments welcome




That's all for now, comments welcome

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Hi Shima......I'll be in America for almost 2 months soon, and I hope I get to see some bees to photograph while I'm there.
The bees you folks post are very different to ours here in Australia, yours are very fluffy, ours are not, I'd really like to find a big grasshopper too.
Thank you for sharing your Bee shots, they're not easy to take are they, I've tried it a couple of times....... I need to try it with my Canon 20D.
Skippy (Australia)
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
I just move forward or backward to focus with the auto focus switched off. Now you should be able to still use auto focus with what you are doing, when you have it half way depressed the auto focus should be locked anyway. Now you just need to move in and out until you see sharp focus.
Moving targets are tough work, so what you have here is fine. Ok, a little trick for you. Mix warm water and sugar together. Spread a little on the flower you want to take photos of them on. They will stay longer and give you more chance. DON'T use honey, use sugar and warm water ok. Strange but honey goes off in the sun and its not actually good for them.
Now we come down to hit rate and how many we actually call keepers. NOT ENOUGH
All the best Shima and its looking good