Germ of an idea. (MC#5)

I'm grasping at straws for this challenge. Other than ideas involving stereo speakers I've been coming up dry. There is a Civil War demo going on nearby so I thought I'd give it a shot (sorry, couldn't help myself). Any comments would be appreciated.
Tentatively titled "Pour It In To Them Boys".

Thanks for looking.
— Kevin
Tentatively titled "Pour It In To Them Boys".

Thanks for looking.
— Kevin
My two cents. I like the photograph though, just not strong on sound for me.
edit-well maybe not "woosh" but you get my drift.
Between, rifles, muskets, canons, and the Rebel Yell you certainly have your options.
I'm not sure about the low sat processing you used, though. Sepia or b&w might work better. There also are some PS actions you can download that mimic a hand-tinted look.
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I think it works.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Dave, I missed the cannons today. Might be able to get a shot of them tomorrow.
richtersl effect
Thanks for looking!
— Kevin
Edit: No cannons tomorrow. Today was the last day. Ah well...
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The sepia and full color versions are really good. The details of the Union uniforms get lost in the other photos in that it's difficult to distinguish each individual in the firing line. The sepia version kicks butt as is. Do you by any chance have a color version where you could actually see the flashpoint of the musket or rifle fire? The latter would be very effective in color.
Here's a piece of trivia for you: do you know why these guys wore wool uniforms even in summer? The flashes from weapons fire could ignite their clothing and cause burns. Wool is self-extinguishing -- if ignited, it smolders and that's about it. These guys wore wool because its self-extinguishing properties kept them from getting injured when they fired their weapons. I just learned that last week and found it interesting.
The classic look is quite appealing